Does coffee stimulate your growth?!


Does coffee stimulate your growth?

No it stunts or slows your growth

lol no

People keeps telling me it stunt my growth, and because I'm a guy, they say it stunt my genital length. Go figure. Good enough, yes?

the opposite of stimulate stunts growth!

I drink coffee since I was a kid. I am tall. But this is in my family gens. I believe that everything in moderation is OK. Some more info:
But Coffee has been a medical whipping boy for so long that it may come as a surprise that recent research suggests that drinking moderate amounts of coffee (two to four cups per day) provides a wide range of health benefits. Most of these benefits have been identified through statistical studies that track a large group of subjects over the course of years and match incidence of various diseases with individual habits, like drinking coffee, meanwhile controlling for other variables that may influence that relationship. According to a spate of such recent studies moderate coffee drinking may lower the risk of colon cancer by about 25%, gallstones by 45%, cirrhosis of the liver by 80%, and Parkinson's disease by 50% to as much as 80%. Other benefits include 25% reduction in onset of attacks among asthma sufferers and, at least among a large group of female nurses tracked over many years, fewer suicides.

In addition, some studies have indicated that coffee contains four times the amount of cancer-fighting anti-oxidants as green tea.


No, nor does it stunt your growth. Moderation is, as always, the key!

No, but despite what people say, it doesn't stunt your growth either...that's an old wives tale.

no more like stunt

No that is a lie .i live in coffee country and the farmers kids are way above their fathers(very big) because of a change in diet and many drink lots of coffee.


Not your growth but your activity. It's the caffien. Check out these facts on coffee. Did you know people use to eat the coffee bean?

I've heard it stunts your growth so it should be avoided by children.

I really want some pickels right now!!

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