Do you drink diet or regular sodas?!


Do you drink diet or regular sodas?

I think diet soda tastes too syrupy, but maybe it's just me.:)

I drink only diet sodas with "NutraSweet" type sweeteners in them now.

I find they don't have the nasty after tastes the old diet sodas had.

Funnily enough, just as someone else said, I too find normal soda too sickly sweet now. I guess after a little while, your taste buds change? It really surprised me though that I would end up preferring "Pepsi Max" to normal "Coca-Cola" after a lifetime of being a dedicated Coca-Cola drinker. I not only changed from regular to diet, but also my type of cola! That's what really surprised me...

Best wishes!

I drink diet soda and can no longer drink regular because taste to sweet. My husband would give up soda if he had to drink diet.

both it doesnt matter to me

regular soda.... I wish I could drink diet but I cant seem to get over the after taste

i really don't care. both are OK. i don'y drink too much soda anyhow

I tried not to anymore.

I prefer the taste of diet Coke, but will drink diet Pepsi if that's all they have. I have never liked regular soda.

if your going on a diet, then yes diet soda is good. and i know regular soda can be very unhealthy, but once in a while, have some fun and drink some. i prefer regular soda because the flavor is better. but diet soda is not bad either, i hope this helps. :]

I love diet soda. I even think it's addictive. The first diet soda I had seemed horrible, now, it's my favorite!

i dont drink diet becass it gives me hart bren

I hate diet. Blugh. They're both bad for you [[Diet gives you cancer, Soda is just terribly bad for you]]

Get rid of soda's and drink water

i like regular b/c the diet 1s taste nasty

Only diet, the only soda I drink is Diet Coke. Otherwise I just drink water or club soda.

Regular. If I eat or drink anything "diet" I get diarrhea and bad headaches.

I love regular soda, but unfortuantely, at 100+ calories a can, I try to drink diet soda instead. The first couple of times of drinking diet taste kind of icky to me, but after that, I get used to it.

I always drink regular sodas. I don't know how to describe it any other way: diets sodas taste horrible.

i drink both and depends about the soda too. i drink more regular then diet.

I drink both because am trying not to drink pop at all.It's hard not to.Plus I love regular sodas better because it takes my head ace a way.

i drink the first one i see . doesn't matter to me .

omg im not wierd i think diet soda tastes syrupy 2 i cant beleive there is sum1 the same!!!!!!!!!!

I drink both kinds, but I drink regular soda more then I do diet.

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