On the orpah winfrey show; The water we drink from tap water.?!


On the orpah winfrey show; The water we drink from tap water.?

I saw a show on oprah winfrey. About the water we drink in the kitchen tap water. Your shower water and toilet water, all of if we re'use everyday is the same water we drink. all of new york water goes into the sewers. And they add chemicals to clean it so we can re'use it 75% of it we redrink it. This Is why I like bottle water. What do you think now on part two of the question of part one. Bottle water or the sink water?

Most of the bottle water in the store and home delivers are process city water with a R.O system or combine with a D.I unit to pure the water of any taste and minerals. And the bottle of water you drink will be depend on how they processes it. Look at the bottle of water at your store self and each has to be lable on how they are process. Spring water, artesian water, filter water, distill water, R.O water. R.O+D.I with minerals add to enhance taste. And if you like to drink Spring water, go buy a filter that take out chroine in tap water as in carbon filter then you will be suprise that it taste like your spring water. Most city water are from the mounatins. Bottle water is govern by the FDA it has to be sure in clean of all things so you can store it for emergancy. City water is only tested in the water plants. Once it leaves the site the goverment dont care. Just think how old is the city water line pipes. Do you think the water will not pick up anything on the way to your house??? And the e-spring system is just a scam ok dont even bother with all the fansy words. It is just like a brital filter system only take out chorine and sediment. but cost alot more. the taste will be the same and if they do a demo test do it side by side of filter. I will tell you to install a good R.O system for your home that will cost more up front but so easy to get too. I own a bottle water deliver company and water filter/softner company too. In S.California.

bottled, i really never liked tap to begin with, and i was always afraid of drinkin' tap water.

I hate to tell you this, but most bottled water is nothing more than tap water. There's no escaping the nastiness!

I saw that too and it disgusted me. I drink bottled!

vodka is the best choice.

Sink water all day long because the quality standards for tap water are a lot more stringent than they are for bottled water. Bottled water does not have to meet the same purity standards as tap water-surprise.
As far as New York City water goes ; NYC tap water is for the most part spring water that comes from the mountains upstate and is piped into the city through huge aquifers.

Bottle all the way, I have always been weary of tap, I pesonally thinks its gross

I prefer bottled ( water machine) ,but it has been proven tap water has properties that are better then bottled such as Floride. Bottled water as has bacterias. Bottled water comes through the same system as tap. water. Yuck , either way you kinda want to boil it eh.

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