Is spring water really from a natural spring, or is it filtered tap water?!


Is spring water really from a natural spring, or is it filtered tap water?

If it says "spring water" then it has to be from a spring.

If it says distilled, then it had to go through at least one stage of distillation. Note that distilled water usually comes from city water sources. So it usually has to meet their standards, then be distilled.

Neither source type says anything at all about what happens to the water on the way to being bottled or being bottled. Either source can have any additives or be subject to any industrial process at all before being put in the bottle.

Most of the bottled water sold doesn't specify either one. Aquafina for instance (Pepsi bottlers' brand) says just "Purity Guaranteed Non-carbonated - Purified drinking water" which does not specify spring, city, well or distillation as its source, nor does it actually specify how it was purified or just what "purity" is actually guaranteed.

It does, however, have a nutrition label that contains a telling piece of information: sodium content. Sodium is pretty hard to remove from water without removing almost everything else at the same time. As in, whatever you're doing to remove the sodium removes most the rest of the muck in it as well. It is NOT an absolute guarantee of purity, but it's a pretty good rule of thumb to use.

Many people do not like the taste, or often the lack thereof, of one kind of water or the other. Myself, I like it distilled. But then, I have that Aquafina bottle handy to read...

Good luck with it all. These people are fiends for hiding just what they do and don't actually do but want you to think they did. Sometimes, and this is said to be the Coca-Cola bottlers' approach (Dasani, etc.), they actually simply bottle the local city's water straight out of their own tap and "assume" its purity and consistency of purity unless the city issues a public water source alert. Yechhh... I mean, I'll drink it for almost free out of my tap, but for something I'm paying twice the price of gasoline for??? Nooooo...

(Sigh) And to think, we hate Arabs and oil companies because of the way they jack prices around!

I'm not sure, but i do know that filtered tap water is the best you can possibly get. My best friend is a civil engineer and surprisingly the gov't restrictions on tap water are a lot stricter than that of bottled water. so if you filter out the chlorine and the flouride (I personally want the flouride) then that's the best you can get!!!

Yes it is. Sometimes it is called mineral water also.

That is hard to tell. I own a bottle water deliver company in CA and i go against Arrowhead, sparkklets and some other one too. I talk to sparkklets driver some time and we all laught at the statement that arrowhead is spring water. Think how can they deliver so much water to each of the disturber center to fill those 5 gallon bottle each day. It is true that we are regulated by FDA for bottle water and we have to submitt a complete water content each year and that is about it. All i need is to have a certain amount of minerals in the water to be spring water. I believe it is about 200ppm per bottle. We use a TDS tester.

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