Why does drinking coffee make my nauseous?!


Why does drinking coffee make my nauseous?

I know some who have problems with ulcers often can't drink coffee. what is the cause? i've never had an ulcer before. Should I be worried?

try to eat something with the coffee or before you drink the coffee. if your worried you should see a Dr.

Don't drink coffe on an empty stomach. Don't use to much dairy.

don't drink much cafe. Too much is never good .Maybe you had enough with the caffeinne.

sensitive stomach

no need to be worried.. just dont drink it? lol

you probably don't have an ulcer. stomach is harsh on a lot of people's stomachs I guess just because of the ingredients. there's a new coffee out actually, I think it may be Folgers brand that is specifically made for a weak stomach and won't bother you as much. you may want to look for that or not drink as much...even though that's hard =)

i dont know...uh stop drinking it!!

Yes, that is true. Try drinking it with food--not on an empty stomach. See how that helps. If it persists, get your butt to the doc.

put jest like sugar and drink decaffeinated,coffee.

I love coffee and can drink it all day (but I dont)...I know I've had enough when I start feeling sick! It's just your boy telling you dont give me that crap!!!!!!

I have that problem too if I drink too much. Coffee is also a natural diarrhetic and works as a laxative.

it is most likely the caffiene you might be sensitive try using de-caff and see if that helps . or give coffee up all together if your not having any other problems then that is prob'ly all it is.:)

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