What would happn if w stopped drinkin water?!


What would happn if w stopped drinkin water?


BOOYAH! I'd be happy so I can gulp it all!

Nothing, as long as it was replaced with other liquid, like tea, coke, juice, etc

We will die of thirst because our body has 60% of water.When we do sports,we'll lose energy(including food,water eg.).We need to drink water to fill up the water we had lost(the same using as food).

Most people get all the water they need from the food they eat. You also get water from other drinks. I hardly ever drink water and I'm fine.

We would all die of da dehydration coach.

Our bodies are 70% water, not just 60%. You would dehydrate. Your cells would dry up. Many chemical reactions in the body require water (h2o). Water, therefore is involved in energy production within your cells (ATP) and removal of waste from the body. Most experts mention drinking half of your body's weight in ounces... so if 100 lbs. you'd drink approx. 50oz. per day. Also, if you wait until you get thirsty..it's too late...you are already dehydrated by then. The first two places to dry up are your brain and your bowels. They hold the most water. Juice, cokes, and tea do not replace pure water.

if there is no good amount of water in your body.you will suffer from dehydration, your urine will be very concentrated with inportant materials.some time your urine will also contain blood.lastly there will be difficulty in passing feaces,and low metabolic rate as a result of dehydration.

what would you drink?

milk, softdrink and alcohol all have water in some form in them...

how about you drink recycled water then???

you would end up with kidney failure faster

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