Coke Cola or Pepsi? Which do you prefer?!


Coke Cola or Pepsi? Which do you prefer?

I prefer Coke Cola which do you prefer and why.
Can you tell the difference? Like i can.

Additional Details

4 months ago
# SUSIE G - yes i do know what Coke can do to you, i only ever drink it with a straw, and i dont drink loads of it, only when i have to, i have a medical problem and to stop my stomache producing to much acid the doctor advised me to drink Coke to stop it, and it does help.

There have been some good reponse to this question, you all know what you like, thank you for your replys.

4 months ago
# SUSIE G - yes i do know what Coke can do to you, i only ever drink it with a straw, and i dont drink loads of it, only when i have to, i have a medical problem and to stop my stomache producing to much acid the doctor advised me to drink Coke to stop it, and it does help.

There have been some good reponse to this question, you all know what you like, thank you for your replys.

I like Coke. Pepsi is too sweet and yes, I can tell the difference.

Water Water and more Water. But if I had to choose it would be coke, I find it less sweet than pepsi which I dislike and yest there is a difference in the taste.


Pepsi taste like water down coke.

Coke Cola

Coke and Cherry Coke!

Although I did like the coffee pepsi they did for a little.

But out of the two, coke wins,

And a good joke -

Coke and Pepsi are like breasts, men might state a preference, but we will take whatever is on tap, as long as it's not flat :D


Pepsi max every time

None, really i prefer water or juice drinks.

I prefer coke but pepsi max isn't too bad.

Diet Pepsi

coke is by far the best. Pepsi taste's dreadful

I think Pepsi has a sort of fruiter and sweeter taste to it plus i find it leaves a rather odd taste in your mouth after.Plus there seems to be allot of bubbles hich makes it rather hard to drink sometimes, i usually have to let most of the fizz out of it.

Coke cola is what i prefer, i find it quite refreshing on the plaid and its not to sweet its ust right, plus there is not as many bubbles i find so its allot easy to drink, does burn my throut.

Pepsi !! but i never ask for it ?? its just a natural thing to ask for a coke !! (yes im soppy!)

I like coka cola. I can tell the difference. Pepsi is sweeter and milder. It has less cola.

I once did the "pepsi challenge" ..... and chose coke. I rarely drink either now though - can't get the thought of it rotting my teeth away out of my head (sorry!)

(the only time i do drink coke is when hungover - its an amazing hangover cure if you have a can of full fat, normal coke, with a bag of ready salted crisps!!)

i love vanilla coke

Pepsi is good to drink as a refreshment, with no other food.

Coke is good in mixed drinks (rum and coke; whiskey and coke)and with meals (Pepsi is too sweet to eat with dinner). Coke is not sweet enough alone, as with refreshments without food.

Cherry Coke is wonderful. Cherry Pepsi was strange. Ruby's Restaurants have a good cherry coke.

Pepsi, it is sweeter and smooth. It doesn't have that harsh acid taste that coke has.

It has to be the real thing - Coke.

As to the reason, I find Pepsi too sweet with an artificial sweet taste. Coke has that right taste and ice cold there is no other drink you would want to consume.

Coke is it!

Hmm, I prefer Diet Coke w/ lime, but I also LOVE Pepsi Twist.

In general I'd say Coke. I'll drink Pepsi, too, but I think Pepsi has a more powerful kick each time you drink it whereas Coke can go down a little smoother.

Pepsi max coke has this rank nutty taste.

Definately coke!

There is no other cola drink like it.

I like Coke, it is the real thing. Pepsi has a sweeter taste and a sweet aroma that goes into my nose. I can tell the difference. I was raised on coke and am obviously used to it and prefer it's flavor. I miss the true coke taste that existed before they went to corn syrup, but unless you can get coke from Mexico, those days are gone.

coca cola, pepsi can taste of aluminium and peanuts!

coke cola

I prefer Killie Cola

Pepsi max

I definitely prefer Coke. I too have passed the Pepsi Challenge - I really don't like the stuff, and can pick it out in a line-up!

none.i cant tell the difference there all horrible.

Neither!! Did you know that besides rotting your teeth they also melt your bones. This is if you drink 4glasses or more per week.

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