Diet coke..?!


Diet coke..?

you know how they say if you dont drink soda for a whole year you could lose up to 13 pounds? well do you think you could still drink coke zero??

i think you will never lose the weight if you drink any pop!!! Eather cola-diet!
the better way is to go to gym))

yeah, coke zero's essentially the same as diet.

diet coke is better than full flavor coke... 100%

yes...they are talking about people who drink REGULAR (sugared) sodas are fine, although water is better for you when dieting

i guess-- b/c it doesnt have the sugar and calories and carbs that reg. has

it has calories no matter what plus drink less soda cause it also has caffeine. It's bad for your heart you putting more workload for your heart.

One thing to keep in mind: Carbonation bubbles fill your stomach with air. Which pushes it out some. So you can look bigger than you are if you drink too many carbonated drinks.

You know anything with limitations is gonna be ok. Just watch the additives involved in Zero, I would rather be a tad overweight than end up with more serious things that artificial chemicals can present such as in Diet drinks.

I heard Coke Zero is basically half Coke Classic and half Diet Coke.

i think they re same but i do nut drink d coke it can kill its like bleach that u use t lean stuff diet coke can u clean u up in 2-5 years

yes i think so

no its cuz it just has less suger.(super little tho.)

you still need to excerise MA

you cant lose weight without proper diet and excerise

Drinking diet coke instead of coke tends to actually contribute to weight gain because people then they feel safe to drink more of it and end up drinking much more then usual.

Coke zero has no calories, so that's a little differant. It's still healthier to drink water, but I think drinking Coke Zero, as long as you don't go over board with it, would be alright.

no coke at all SODIUM,CALORIES!!!!!!

no... all soda is basically the same.... seriosly, i havent drank soda for about 3 months... ive lost 15 lbs, thats on top of good eating too... i feel so mych beter, i dont get headaches any more either... that had alot to do with them... try drinking tea... its good to wean you off the soda

Okay, for one I don't believe that "lose 13 pounds" thing for a minute but I'll go with it for now to help you out. Coke in general, diet, zero, or normal, all has basically the same ingredients except for the change in sugar to aspartame (which by the way may cause cancer). I would think that rule would apply to all sodas and if you can't go the year without the coke, don't worry about because you have a better chance of losing weight by eating healthy (with a coke now and then) and exercising regularly.


Yes it has zero everything basically. So its like water only not as healthy for you.

no no no no no no no impossible

I would avoid nutrasweet that in Diet coke try water or other products

Yes, they are talking about the regular kind because diet soda doesn't have any calories. However, I wouldn't drink either one because the artificial sugar in diet soda is bad for you and can cause you to have sugar cravings.

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