Can anyone taste the difference bettween pepsi and cola?!


Can anyone taste the difference bettween pepsi and cola?

i cant but let me know...i am curious

oh yeah, coke is much better. it tastes better in mixed drinks as well.

yep, pepsi is better

i think that coke has more sugar and pepsi is less sweet but more in flavor


yes, pepsi is sweeter (a tadd bit)


The only real difference I have noticed is that Pepsi doesn't seem to be quite as carbonated.

Oh absolutely.. coca cola makes me sick its almost a burning sensation in my throat and its almost bitter to me .. Pepsi is sweet..RCCola was between them it was the best but I don't see it often in the stores anymore, I think it got bought by Schweppes a Canadian company.

I can tell the difference. I like diet Coke and my husband drinks Diet Pepsi - if there is a choice.

cola is more sweeter

Yes you can - I'm in favour of pepsi everytime

yes, but it difficult to explain.

no I've never been able to
I always thought they were the same thing =/
next time u have both of them look at the ingredients
see if there is anything different lol

also coke zero?
It taste exactly like the regular coke
is it like a scam or something lmao

The preference for Coke versus Pepsi is not only a matter for the tongue to decide, Samuel McClure and his colleagues have found. Brain scans of people tasting the soft drinks reveal that knowing which drink they're tasting affects their preference and activates memory-related brain regions that recall cultural influences. Thus, say the researchers, they have shown neurologically how a culturally based brand image influences a behavioral choice.
These choices are affected by perception, wrote the researchers, because "there are visual images and marketing messages that have insinuated themselves into the nervous systems of humans that consume the drinks."

Even though scientists have long believed that such cultural messages affect taste perception, there had been no direct neural probes to test the effect, wrote the researchers. Findings about the effects of such cultural information on the brain have important medical implications, they wrote.

"There is literally a growing crisis in obesity, type II diabetes, and all their sequelae that result directly from or are exacerbated by overconsumption of calories. It is now strongly suspected that one major culprit is sugared colas," they wrote.

Besides the health implications of studying soft drink preference, the researchers decided to use Coke and Pepsi because-- even though the two drinks are nearly identical chemically and physically--people routinely strongly favor one over the other. Thus, the two soft drinks made excellent subjects for rigorous experimental studies.

In their study, the researchers first determined the Coke versus Pepsi preference of 67 volunteer subjects, both by asking them and by subjecting them to blind taste tests. They then gave the subjects sips of one drink or the other as they scanned the subjects' brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this widely used imaging technique, harmless magnetic fields and radio signals are used to measure blood flow in regions of the brain, with such flow indicating brain activity levels. In the experiments, the sips were preceded by either "anonymous" cues of flashes of light or pictures of a Coke or Pepsi can.

The experimental design enabled the researchers to discover the specific brain regions activated when the subjects used only taste information versus when they also had brand identification. While the researchers found no influence of brand knowledge for Pepsi, they found a dramatic effect of the Coke label on behavioral preference. The brand knowledge of Coke both influenced their preference and activated brain areas including the "dorsolateral prefrontal cortex" and the hippocampus. Both of these areas are implicated in modifying behavior based on emotion and affect. In particular, wrote the researchers, their findings suggest "that the hippocampus may participate in recalling cultural information that biases preference judgments."

The researchers concluded that their findings indicate that two separate brain systems--one involving taste and one recalling cultural influence--in the prefrontal cortex interact to determine preferences.

I can. I couldn't describe what's different, but I can definatley taste it.

I feel a little more frizz in pepsi than I do in cola. That's the only thing really. And if you shake pepsi more it makes a bigger spurt of soda.

Do you mean Pepsi & "Coke?"

Yes, there is a difference. It's debatable which is better but there is definitely a difference.

definitely a difference!

I can. Pepsi is sweeter. I like coke better, especially Diet Coke

yeah. i can. with pepsi it's sweeter. but with coke (if its not flat) the carbonation has a kick going down your throat. and that's why i love coke. coke tastes like pepsi if you shake it and make it flat.

yes i can totally taste the difference. i can't describe it, other than pepsi is a little bit sweeter. i prefer regular coke over pepsi, but i prefer diet pepsi over diet coke...weird, i know.

I sure can! I like em both!

i can...
pepsi copies cola, have you noticed. Coke with lime, then a couple seasons later...Pepsi with lime.HMMMM?

yes and I would only drink pepsi if someone paid me.

usually I can tell the difference btw pesi, coke and dr pepper. They all have different taste. Just pick a favorite and you'll always know the difference

Yes because Pepsi is sweeter than coke.

i can

coke tastes like something my dad drinks
and pepsi tastes what my uncle drinks
now remember that and write it down so you don't forget

Yes, I can taste the difference. I prefer Pepsi.

It is really hard to explain this but I have always been able to tell the two apart. I am a pepsi fan except before they got rid of the Vanilla Coke I loved that stuff. But I can't stand normal coke unless its with Jack.

I can- pepsi is sweeter, and cola has a bit of a sour taste to it. If you're a non-smoker, it's not hard to pick up the difference, if you actually focus on the sweet/sour difference. I know it's a pointless waste of time, but if you're really curious, you can try it sometime.

I drink only diet coke because I think it is sweeter than diet pepsi.

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