Caffeine related question??!


Caffeine related question??

Is there any type of sugar (processed or natural cane) that has caffeine in it? Does granulated sugar have caffeine added to it, or any natural caffeine? What about brown sugar?

Thanks for answering honestly!!

Bonus question (if you're interested):

Do you think caffeine will eventually be made an illegal drug in a few years, based on all the increased health risks caused by drinks like Monster, Rockstar, and Red Bull that have too much caffeine in them. I mean, the energy drinks business practically sprung up overnight, with the exception of Red Bull. If it becomes too common, people could possibly start dying from caffeine overdose, just like you could die from an overdose of any other addictive substance!

Also- if you DO think it might be made illegal eventually, do you think this might be a good thing? Or are you totally against it?

Any good answers are VERY appreciated!! :-)

Additional Details

4 months ago

good point on the alcohol thing. People drink caffeine on a daily basis a lot more than they drink alcohol or cigarettes. opular demand makes it unlikely for it to ever be banned. Thanks for answering my question!

4 months ago

good point on the alcohol thing. People drink caffeine on a daily basis a lot more than they drink alcohol or cigarettes. opular demand makes it unlikely for it to ever be banned. Thanks for answering my question!

No, I don't think caffeine will become illegal. The fact is, is that caffeine isn't dangerous until we have consumed 500 mg of it or more. Most sodas are 2 to 5 mg and even an 8 ounce cup of coffee is 100 mg. I really don't believe that an energy drink could have 100 times more caffeine in it than a normal soda. So although caffeine intake should be monitored, I don't think it will be outlawed anytime before alcohol or cigarettes will. Hope this helped!

Caffeine shouldn't be illegal people need it expecially in coffee and coke

no sugar doesn't have caffeine

no i don't think it will ever be illegal because it also has health benefits. it helps asthma, PMS, its a pain reliever. helps keep a person alert. think about when some one takes to many downers or sleeping pills the first thing they are given is coffee. lets worry about getting the hard drugs off the streets. by making mild things like coffee tobacco and alcohol. in the 20s and 30s millions of people were killed because of alcohol and running moon shine. it was worse back then, then it is today.

There is no sugar with caffeine in it. As far as making it illegal, it'll never happen. If alcohol and tobacco haven't been made illegal... caffeine doesn't even come close.

sugar has no caffeine.Make it illegal,yea right.never happen

Sugar doesn't have caffeine and no. I don't think caffeine will ever be illegal. There are studies now that say caffeine is actually good for you. It is suppose to cut down on chances of getting breast cancer. Hey! That's scientists opinion, not mine!!!

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