Does coffee really counterbalance the effects of a hangover?!


Does coffee really counterbalance the effects of a hangover?

Or is this just a myth exploited by television?

I don't drink, but I have heard arguements on both sides. Some say it does, others say it doesn't.

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4 months ago
Again, I DO NOT drink. I have no desire to. This is just an arguement that I've heard throughout my life.

4 months ago
Again, I DO NOT drink. I have no desire to. This is just an arguement that I've heard throughout my life.

There is no benefit from coffee other than caffeine being a stimulant. A hang over is caused by your bodies dehydration from the alcohol. Alcohol is a water loving substance and it attaches itself to the water molecules in your body. That is why you get intoxicated in the first place. The alcohol you consume is attracted to the organs of the body with the most water. The brain being high in water content is dramatically affected by the alcohol. Your body then tries to rid the alcohol from its system because alcohol is a poison. Because the alcohol is water loving and attaches itself to the water molecules in your body, your body rids itself of moisture as well. Therefore, the best cure for a hangover is hydration, and the best and only cure for intoxication is time.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Intoxylizer 5000 EN instructors manual.

No, your body needs to rest after drinking and let the alcohol get absorbed up not be on a caffeine high. You need sleep and you need food!

Nope you suffer from a hangover because your dehydrated, and coffee does not hydrate you... now gatorade, that really helps!

that a big negatory. hangovers are caused by your liver trying to process the alcohol. it can only process one ounce an hour. so the alcohol is still in your system until it can be processed. if you drink one glass of water for every drink you take you can avoid the headache.which is cause by the dehydration the alcohol causes. if you drink more alcohol it just numbs the effect but your gonna havta deal with it later unless you stay drunk. The nausea is cause by your body trying to rid itself of the alcohol.

will put you up
and then get you right back down

dont try to cancel out alchohol with it
doesn't work

No !! but be carefoul ... Coffeine is like a Drog... is you drink less 3 times... your heart will need all time... 1-2 times a day !! be carefoul !!!

All caffeine does is keep you from feeling tired. If this is something you'd appreciate during a hangover, then it could help. Coffee is no cure for a hangover, though.

Being a little older and wiser than my former drinking and partying self, I will give you my opinion. After a heavy night of drinking my drinking buddy and I would always brew a quadruple srength pot of coffee. I don't exactly know why this would work. It was probably just that we would sleep through the hangover and the coffee was just what we needed to feel human again. Ok. This may sound weird or gross but coffee is known to be a diuretic, it makes you poo. I guess that could be part of the rehumanization process.
Earlier on in my twenties I found that a good greasy breakfast would help quite a bit with a nasty hangover.Tested that out a few times with positive results. Pigs in a Blanket seemed to work rather well.
At any rate I do not indulge in alcoholic beverages of any sort now. I just simply choose not to. If anyone out there is thinking of having some alcohol be safe, stay away from the car keys, and don't operate any kind of vehicle.


yes it dose.

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