How do you wean off soda?!


How do you wean off soda?

My doctor said that I've been drinking too many sodas and that I needed to stop drinking them. I tried to stop but it made me sick. (Stomach ache/Dizziness/Tiredness/Heada... So now Im back on them. What should I do?

i don't think it's the soda.. but the caffeine content in them. or the sugar content... you could be suffering from caffeine withdrawal or sugar crashes.
if you want something that is like soda, but better, try mixing some seltzer/club soda with cranberry juice or some other clear juice. but if it's about the caffeine fix, drinking one cup of tea will get rid of the headaches..

Cold turkey.

That's how I stopped. Started losing weight right away.

I was like that with coca-cola. Then every time I wanted, I would just go for water or juice low in sugar. I am FREE.

you are strange and weak

Yeah, cold turkey...

If you started drinking a lot of water instead, and kept it like that for a while, you should get to a point where you'd feel sick drinking soda. That's where I am right now...

Just remember, nothing worth having comes easily :)

I hate soda, I haven't had a soda since, well maybe 2 weeks ago with my rum, that was it. :)
You simply just keep drinking water, whenever you feel thirsty you drink water NOT soda, soda has no good in it and doesn't quench anyone's thirst. Drink 8-10 glasses a day!

I tried to wean myself off soda also when I started dieting. It didn't work for me. I had to just quit altogether and start drinking water instead. Try making a pitcher of water and putting it in the frig. to keep cold and then when u need a drink get the pitcher of water. Easy access to cold water helped me.

try drinking some water with something like flavoring in it. This will take a little time to get the caffeinine out of your system.

my brother is like that he just couldnt stop get rid of them
and instead of when you want a soda get a carbonated water they are just as good and thats how i got off of em and same with my brother!

drink one less a day, till you get to three a day, then drink one less a day,every week.

your symptoms are kinda like caffine withdrawl. try a caffine supplement like no-doz and the like, or drink black coffee.

unless your doc is tryin to get you away from caffine.

you just have to stick with it-- I did and like you I got terrible headaches from the caffeine withdraw. but it does ease up after awhile.
I started using the crystal light flavored mixes to mix in water bottles, it helped me ,try them -- it is better then plain water.

Cocaine should do the trick. Just start with a little each day and use more and more as you grow a tolerance. It will also be good times.

it made you sick because it is a form of detox from the sodas....theres bottled water at wal-mart thta is called Sam's Choice, and it has the carbination that soda's have and makes it easy for you to stop drinking soda's all together...they taste pretty good as well and super cheap!


Have gastric bypass- you can't drink soda, and if you try it hurts really really bad! LOL. No, you are sick because of the lack of caffiene (I had that too) You are going to have to replace the caffiene with coffee or gradually wean yourself off of it. Good Luck!

I understand what you are going through. I was addicted to Pepsi. I could go through almost two cases in a week. This is how I broke my addiction. Start with a can of Pepsi and add water to one can at 25% increments. Continue doing this until you are completely off the Pepsi.

This is how it looks broken down...

75% Pepsi/25% Water - Continue until you are ready to move to next step.
50% Pepsi/50% Water - Continue until you are ready to move to next step.
25% Pepsi/75% Water - Continue until you are ready to move to next step.
0% Pepsi/100% Water

You don't have to get bottled water. Just get a pitcher with a filter system on it.

Good luck

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