Which is worse? Diet soda or regular soda?!


Which is worse? Diet soda or regular soda?

I know that both are bad, but i always thought the regular ones were much worse. But my friend told me that actually diet is WORSE because it causes cancer. I'm not a soda addict and barely drink any once a week or once every two weeks, but when i do i usually get the diet choice (usually diet pepsi). So is this true, that diet is worse?

regular is worse because it has sugar in it, and the other has not really been proven to cause cancer

diet soda is bad 4 ur stomack

I've heard so and I think it is true, I just don't really think pop is smart to drink.

diet, because of the nuti-sweet put in it

Diet soda is worse b/c it contains sachrin and regular soda is just filled with sugar. So there both bad for you.Switch to water or tea

probably diet because it has all kind do stuff in it to make it seem like it is going to help keep ur whieght down!

it doesnt cause cancer, ur friend is an idiot.

Diet because people don't fill up on it and so they drink more of it therefore adding more bad stuff to their systems than regular soda.

Do not believe urban miths the best for you is diet. Although if you are really worried you should stop drinking both because water is better.

Diet Soda. It contains aspertane-or some chemical that can cause depression.

diest soda is bad becuase it contains rat poison in it and some sodas like coke contain it and it is used to clean car paint off car like pepsi also


I'd rather drop soda entirely than to drink diet.It has a lousy after-taste

well diet often has aspertane, but... it tastes... ok... regular better.

your friends are right. regular coke id better

Diet doesn't cause cancer.
What your friend is talking about is that one of the ingredients of diet colas (nutrisweet) was tested in labs on mice, where the mice were injected with like 500times the amount anyone could consume over their life-time, and poof! the mice got cancer. Big surprise.
Diet has less calories, so that's why people say it's healthier... however, if you're only drinking one can like every week, it really doesn't matter. Drink whichever tastes better.

They're both bad for the stomach as they have lots of sugar and are very acidic. The can give you stomach pains. Both of them can kill as well. Try drinking fresh juice from fruits instead. They are really nice!

The jury is still out on this one. Personally I believe the diet ones are worse because of the artificial sweetners (chemicals). I used to drink diet soda but then I cut out artificial sweetners, and I have felt so much better ever since. It was as though I had finally stopped poisoning my body, and I had more energy and didn't feel so sluggish. I still have a regular soda every once in a while, but I certainly do not make a habit out of it.

Also some people say diet sodas bloat you and cause you to overeat because they stimulate a craving for other sweet foods.

Your friend is right. At least regular soda is regular sugar. Diet soda has a sugar agent that is not natural and is cancer causing. Some drink diet soda to keep the calories down. Myself...if I'm watching my weight and I want a soda...I will drink a regular soda and just keep an eye on my other food intake. Some drink diet soda then have potato salad. I won't put any knowingly cancer causing agents in my body.

Both are bad, haven't you seen a thing where a guy puts his dirty old coin in the can of coke and the next day it comes shiny clean and says what is it doing to your stomach then? lolz but if you would go for one i recommend you going for diet one as it has no sugar god you dont know how much sugar they put in the original one i know most people hate diet but diet has lots of benifits, It's way tooo good than the real one.

Hope it helped

I doubt that any of them have any real positive nutritional value, but I know that all the sugar, caffeine, and sodium are not very good for you. A soda from time to time is fine I bet, but anything in excess puts a burden on your organs.

The new chemical sweeteners really haven't been around that long. Long eneough to see any extensive affects. I don't know what the real answer is, everyone's body is different, you know? I would stick to diet, just watch the extra sodium and the artificial sweetening. I personally do the dew from time to time.

The acid in the soda drains the calcium out of your bones.

Look around at old women who are bent over or who have broken hips - that could be you if you drink soda.

Get a fruit juicer and make smoothies.

believe it or not diet soda is worse, it,s has aspartame or Selinda it make you blind your better of jetting jest like sugar, go to a heath store and ask if the have it.

Just about everything can cause cancer if taken in inordinate amounts. If you're drinking one soda a week, you're in no danger -- unless, of course, you are highly sensitive or allergic to some of its contents. Take diet or regular or even alternate between them, according to your own preferences and choice.

I've heard that diet soda casuses cancer. Then I heard that it you would have to drink so much soda every day for so many years in order for it to do anything to you. I'm not a big soda drinker either, but sometimes I like diet soda better just because it's not so thick and syrupy tasting to me.

yes, it's true what your friend told you.../././

just the other day on a health channel this was the topic and
it says drink water,,,,if you don't like water flavor it with a little
citrus of some kind

Most artificial sweeteners are known carcinogens (cause cancer), however, so are many of the artificial flavourings and preservatives which are found in both regular and diet sodas. Diet soda might be slightly worse because of the artificial sweeteners, but, it might be like saying that cyanide is more poisonous than arsenic. They are both poison to be avoided. Mostly it's wise to drink water instead.

"Aspartame/Nutrasweet's breakdown products attack the bodies tissues and create Formaldehyde which builds up in the tissues forever. Remember the smelly, eye watering fumes from the frogs you dissected in school? They were preserved with Formaldehyde! Formaldehyde is thought to cause cancer. "

Apparently, Aspartame is an active ingredient in Diet Coke. It is best just to avoid Coke and Diet Coke together, along with any other kinds of carbonated beverages.

"Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into several residual chemicals, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol, and further breakdown products including formaldehyde[6] and formic acid. " Funny how methanol is used somewhat to fuel some engines o_O.

I'd advice you, in general, to avoid Diet Coke and just drink a little less of regular Coke.

everything causes cancer. Besides the studies feed the rat such high doses of things that people wouldn't eat in a lifetime.

However, regular is worse because of the empty calories from the sugar. I gain weight when I drink soda.

Your friend is talking about aspartame, the sweetener found in many diet drinks in the past. It goes by the name of sweet-n-low, equal etc. For many years it was thought that aspartame is a carcinogen, because when stored at above 86 degrees, it releases formaldehyde into the beverage. Most diet drinks now use splenda, which is not aspartame. Many scientists do not agree on it's use as a sweetener either way. Read the source article I've cited and check it out for yourself.

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