Are you a coffee snob like me?!


Are you a coffee snob like me?

I cannot drink any coffee unless it is Starbucks or Seattle's Best. My fav Starbucks is Sumatra....yummy. What about you?

Tim Horton's is the best where I live!!! I really love to drink anything nice and warm though......yum!!! ;)

no i'm not,

No sorry, Folgers is fine w/me. I'd rather spend my $$ on better things.

Well I used to be then I moved to an area where the closest Starbucks is 45 miles (can you even imagine?). I have to make it at home now, and I have a friend that sends me bags of Seattle's Best. My fav at Starbucks though is of course the Macciato.

Komodo Dragon or bust, baby! My best friend gave me a fancy coffeemaker that filters water and grinds beans RIGHT before brewing (for optimum yumminess) for my birthday because the two of us are such coffee snobs and she knows I can't live without good coffee.

There are more like you out there, be not afraid. . .I loathe cheap gas-station or Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts coffee!

coffee is coffee to me
i will have any kinda as long as it hits my coffee crave on the spot

I like the Sumatra, but I always try other kinds of coffee too. Where I live there are a few local roasters, so I'll try what they have. I've also recently tried a brand SIMPLE - it's very good coffee and reasonably priced.

I only have one cup a day and I want it to be good!.
I buy the same brands you listed or Newman's Own Organic, usually daker roast and grind my own beans, then use a french press for a the best coffee.....mmmmmmmmmm.

Let me take it one step further...I do NOT like coffee that was brewed more than 30 minutes ago.
It tastes OVER-BOILED!!!!

I was at a Starbucks in San Antonio recently.
The dude poured a cup and it tasted like tar-paper!

The problem: he probably brewed the coffee about two hours ago and it sat in the vacuum flask for about as long.

Now, to be exclusive to Starbucks or Seattle's Best either means you have not tried all the other coffees in the world or you have and you've come to this conclusion based on your taste-buds.

I won't argue with you either way.
It is a personal choice.
But I'll tell you, there is a coffee shop in Garmisch, Germany that brews a wicked-good pot of coffee.
And Cafe Du Monde in new Orleans offers some fine chicory-coffee.

As for chain stores, I actually like Panera coffee over Starbucks and the price is better, too!

Yes, I love a good cup of coffee but I'm too stingy to pay that much for it. I bought a really good coffee maker from Capresso that grinds the beans first and I buy freshly roasted beans at Costco for $7.99 for 2 pounds. It's very good coffee and I get my freshly ground roasted coffee at home for much less!

I take it to a different level though
I roast my own and only use fair trade and organic and I only like coffee made with a French Press.

I love anything from Sumatra.

How can you people drink that foul tasting, evil smelling concoction called coffee? Y U C K !!!!!!!!! No matter the brand, coffee stinks. Plain and simple. Some people think they need that artificial crutch to get going in the morning, but I have survived over 50 years without coffee, and I'll survive another 150 years without that junk.

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