Can tea and iced tea make you shorter?!


Can tea and iced tea make you shorter?

can it? i am not 18 yet. i am a teen and i wanted to know if drinking too much iced tea or tea could stop you from growing to your full potential. can it?

There is no data to support that myth. So, no.

No...this is an "old wives" tale. I have drank tea, coffee, etc. since I was a young girl and I am 5'11" tall.

Yes, tea is a very powerful anti-growing drink. Wives have told this tale for years.

It never stunted my growth. I made it to 6'6".


who says?? I drink more than 10 cups of tea everyday for 22 years, since I was 5 years old. My height is 1.8m. Then?? I took following part from BBC website.
"Tea 'healthier' drink than water

The researchers recommend people consume three to four cups a day
Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.
The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.

Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health."

Link to full article:

if you mix it well and add sugar, then balance a full bucket of it on you head for 4 hours each night for the next 30 days it will make you shorter guaranteed

haha... PatKav101

no ive been drinking with since my mom woom n im five foot 8 inches

no it doesnt stunt your growth.... ive been drinkin it for a long time and im 5 ft 7.... but im still growin

no that's only true about coffee

I don't see why it would be bad. Teens drink it all the time.

No... but it is proven to give you kidney stones if you drink it too much.

gawd no!!! at least i hope not

No. I have been drinking tea since I was a kid.

Tea has antioxidants in it though, which are good for you.

I don't think tea can make you shorter. In fact, tea is GOOD FOR YOU! I drink hot tea {lots of times flavored teas}. GREEN TEA is extremely healthy for you. Try that.

Maybe yes, maybe no. I'm not sure. But I do know that it won't make you shorter, if you mean shorter as in from like 5"8 you become 5"6...but I'm not sure if it could stop you from growing taller than what you are now, like from 5"8 to 5"11. Moderation is good. So if you think it would, then stop..or at least limit your intake...

no it is not possible. There has been rumors that it does, but in fact it doesnt

its silly to think it would have any effect on your growth

No Hot tea or ice tea can not stunt your growth

no, it doesn't....growth depends on your family genes not on the food that you eat or drink

i drank loads of tea when i was young and i'm only a bit over 5 feet, now i know why i'm soo short ****j/k****

but heres my true answer: no, i dont think it would stop you from growing:)

No I don't think so.

I drink iced tea all the time and I am still 5'8"

I understand the basis for this Old Wives tale. It comes from a time when beverage choices were a bit different for young people. If you are drinking coffee or tea, (the reasoning goes) then you aren't drinking milk - and therefore may be falling short of calcium needed for the several growth spurts that occur during your pre-teen and teen years.

So it is not so much what you drink - as it is what you are not drinking - that can stunt your growth.

I sure hope not! tho that might explain why i only hit 5'3"

have you ever seen a tall Asian? well Yao ming but that guy never drank tea so there is your answer

It has caffeine..which is not so great for you, but you get it from soda, chocolate, and coffee also. It has antioxidants (good for you) tea has more of them. Just don't go crazy with any one food or beverage item and you'll be fine..balance is always good.

The biggest concern is if you have tea always and don't get the milk products or soymilk, juices and are missing out on things you need rather than that tea is so bad for you.

No, it won't stunt your growth, but it will stain your teeth.

no its a myth

I hope not cause I drink alot of both & I'm already short

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