Bed coffee or bed tea?!


Bed coffee or bed tea?

bed tea because some teas relax the body and mind which can make u go to sleep coffee has caffine which wont make u sleep


what do you want to know about bed coffee /bed tea.PL.specify what do you want to answer your qwestion.

if you absolutly have to drink one of those i would say tea, both have caffine in them but tea has a lower amount

try decaf otherwise known as "what's the point coffee", or my preference, a nice herbal tea.

i think both is bed to our health

its ur choice

For morning time, I suggest Bed Tea - but go to kitchen make it yourself, and also for your loved-one!

I donot like Coffee, not atleast in morning!

If you have a gap of 3-4 hours b/w your Dinner and your sleep time, I suggest to take a cup of Warm-Milk with-bournvita or a cup of some soup. (I take coctail-soup!)

Neither bed cofee nor bed tea it is best to take milk with flavour powders like complan , bournvita , boost, protinex .etc

Neither one, I'd spill it. I get out of bed and into a chair. I've had both, though, mostly coffee.

neither, i only drink tea or coffee to stay awake, usually around teatime... drink more tea than coffee, though... and can't drink either one at night or else i won't be able to sleep!!! :D

Your question is very vague. Do you mean what kind of coffee or tea do you have when you wake up? Or when you go to bed? Or do you mean what do you drink the first thing when you get up and the last thing before you call it a night? I like to have a nice strong Colombian coffee when I get out of bed. I like chamomile tea before I go to bed. I don't recommend drinking coffee or tea in bed because it poses the risks of being scalded by the hot beverages.

chamomile tea, great for relaxation

I'm a coffee lover but when it comes to bed..
I go for bed tea like after a very nice & relaxing full body massage. (- -,)

Bed Tea! Tea always stains the teeth badly. It should be taken before brushing. One should always brush one's teeth after drinking tea.

Bed Tea

Many studies have now shown that coffee and black tea are good for health. According to researchers in the United States seniors who are regular drinkers of caffeinated beverages have a lower risk of coronary vascular disease and heart attacks. gives you a feel good feeling. It is said to be anti-oxidant. A warning is however not out of place. Those who want to quit coffee taking suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

NEITHER. Bed Tea or Bed Coffee is taken by lazy people who are just too lazy to get out of bed and brush their teeth.

If you are too lazy even to get out of bed and follow a simple daily ritual of personal hygene like brushing your teeth, then you have no right to sleep in a bed.

The right place for you to sleep on is the door mat.

tea always helps me fall asleep before a long day and it makes me even more relaxed when I'm asleep. I think tea would help more because you feel relaxed when you feel the soothing warmth of the steam and the taste is incredible!!!(depending on the type you get)(I reccomend Chai!). Hoope I helped

really none to many toilet trips during the night

nothing should be taken before brushing bcoz it is not good for health

bed tea, because it helps me sleep better. coffee will keep me up all night, lol!

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