Is it bad to drink ALOT of coke?!


Is it bad to drink ALOT of coke?

Anything is bad for you if you take it to extremes. I too drink a lot of Coke.

yes it is full of empty calories and chemicals...and it rots your teeth faster than anything else...

well considering coke has been proven to be a cleaner for blood, can disinegrate a t-bone steak, and turn your liver black i would say yeah actually. however, it does taste reallllllly good

well you would get addicted to the caffeine and struggle to do without. its also a diuretic so will drain your body of its good fluids.
x's loaded with sugar and caffeine.....the sugar part is bad, but the caffeine part is debatable.....

my god yes!! my son used to drink it every day until i had to take him to the dentist flat out with fillings and pulling teeth also it know to be very bad for ur stomach

Yes because it is filled with calories that are hard to burn off. It rots your teeth, and it makes your breath smell if you drink too much. A couple drinks every now and again wouldn't hurt though! We all need some sort of pick-me-up!


yes, too much caffine intake will cause major headaches & also too much sugar will put the pounds on. And a pop that will take rust off of a nail, imagine what too much of it will do to your stomach

Uh... yeah. It has no nutritional value, rots your teeth, has enough acid to dissolve a nail in a matter of days, and is full of empty calories. I'd say it's bad.

only if you aren't getting enough exersice afterwards

yes....coke is soda...and all soda's contain ALOT of sugar which can lead to unhealthyness.

Unfortunately, yes. All the regular sodas are bad. They're are alot of great tasting diet soda out there...Dt. mt dew, dt. dr. pepper, and if your really stuck on coke, but can't so diet, CokeC2 is a great alternative with less than half the sugar, and calories.

It's generally bad to drink a LOT of anything: wine, water or soda.

Aside from the obvious caloric onslaught, the biggest problem with Coke is the dental impacts. Coke contains phosphoric acid, which in moderation isn't necessarily a harmful thing, but as an interesting experiment take a baby tooth and let it sit in there for a day or two and see what happens. A dentist once told me that after a drinking a coke, I should run (don't walk, run!) to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and if that wasn't possible, to at least rinse with water.

ALOT of coke...I would say yeah if you don't balance it out with alot of water.

It is bad for you. Imagine this it cleans battery acid, diesel engines, unclogs drains and pipes. And what the above comment says about eating through a T-Bone does. Coke is bad so be careful with the amount you consume.

well yes coke turns your teeth yellow.

it is bad to drink lots of coke. coke can rot your teeth or do something worse. if you are in doubt get a gummy bear and put it in coke. then leave it there like for a day and see what happens

yes it is

Yeah! I know several big coke drinkers and there belly's look like their pregnant. I would find another drink if i was you - it's gut rot!

If you put a nail in a glass of coke it will start to rust,so what do you think it is doing to your tummy

u might get a tummy ache :(

it makes u burp a lot or f**t alot

Do you know something....

Have you ever seen a dirty toilet.....
Drinks like coke were used to clean them up... So just imagine what they can do to you stomach....

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