Do you drink alot of soda?!


Do you drink alot of soda?

Well I was wondering if soda is really as bad as people make it sound like? For example my dad won't let me drink Diet Coke because he thinks it will give you brain damage.

I drink about a dozen Diet Cokes a day - I'm 43 years old and my IQ is 150. So no brain damage here...........

It has lots of calories, so yes it is bad for you, and the diet stuff has aspertame in it which is bad for you.

You dad may be correct there. I drink Dr. Pepper all the time!

I dont drink soda at all!

I drink about 12 FL OZ per day, in fact, I'm drinking one right now.

My mom says drinking Diet things increases the risk of cancer, but drinking it once in a while is okay. Like drinking diet and non diet 50/50.

There is a liquid they put on diet drinks that is found in paint, so it might damage you. But no i dont drink soda at all. I drink juices. Im 15 so people find that odd on a teenager.

Sodium Benzoate is proven to give you leukemia.

COLA AND PEPSI DONT HAVE IT but if you drink too much you get those red dots on your face and somtimes faint.

Water will give you the life.

And sweet tea!
I love it.

i'm addicted. i drink at least four cans a day, plus usually a bottle or two.

I try not to as I am trying to lose weight. It has many empty sugar calories, and salt. Two things that can impede weight loss.

I probably drink around 6-8 diet Pepsi's a day and my IQ when last tested was 139. There are things in even diet soda that are bad for you, mainly the sodium, but to balance that out a little I don't use any salt, ever. Try not to drink too much soda and you should be OK.

No , I make a conscious effort to limit soda . Drink more water and reach for soda as little as possible . You'll be healthier .

Yes, but I am trying to switch to juices because of the weight that you can gain. I totally stay away from diet, do research on the sweetener they put in it !!

I'm not sure about the brain damage... but it's not good for you, especially in large quantities. My boyfriend drank a 6pack a day or more and got ulcers, cavities, not to mention a flabby belly.

Diet Coke is said to be worse because of the sugar substitutes they use, which are supposed to be cancer causing, which may be where your dad got the brain damage idea

Yeah, I drink too much diet coke ( or Pepsi). Usually a 24 ounce fountain drink at lunch. I prefer diet decaffeinated cola. Also I drink too much coffee (maybe 3 cups of black decaf coffee/day).
If I drunk regular coke it would be WAY too much sugar.
Brain damage? Never heard of that one. I'm actually pretty healthy.

no, i usually just drink tea, coffee, or water. the only soda i like is ginger ale. as far as what your dad said about diet coke, i have no idea if that's true or not. he's just looking out for your health, though, and it's probably not a bad idea to switch off between soda, juice, & water.

i used to drink soda but now i quit so now i drink water and juice...

Well diet soda IS highly adictive.I try not to drink alot of soda or anything sweet.Gives you pimples!

I like soda but now I don't drink it as often. I'm trying water and juice now...

No I don't.

I drink 8-10 cans of diet Coke a day for the past 20+ years and no health problems or mental for that matter! Friends in HS were buying me cases for my birthday- it was the best gift I could receive!

You just have to watch the sugars in regular soda and the sodium too.

I dont like anything carbinated.

No i don't drink much soda i usually drink water or flavored water :)

I don't, maybe 2 cans of diet soda a week...I am addicted to coffee though.

I drink soda all the time. I dont like diet and my friend said it was bad for you but my grandma says its not so i just drink the regular soda.

It probably is pretty bad for you but I drink a lot of caffienated drinks, soda and energy drinks. I'll be wide awake, right up until I die of a heart attack at 27.

I think your Dad has brain damage. OH! just kidding, I don't think so. I drink Diet soda, 1 can 3 times a week.

I drink plenty of Diet Coke and have no ill effects. Recently, the FDA re-cleared aspartame, so I don't worry about that.

The fact is, however, that drinking water is best. Trouble is that it has no flavor.

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