Does coffee harm your health if you're 14?!


Does coffee harm your health if you're 14?

Scientifically, it has been said that up to 3 cups of coffee a day are not harmful and actually are full of antioxidants which are amazing for you. Antioxidants prevent things like disease and aging. Coffee has caffeine in it so it is an upper (stimulant). Frappuchinos and deluxe coffee drinks are actually not as good for you because they are full of sugar and calories. Coffee by itself or with moderate amounts of sugar is been proven to be great for you in moderation. Also, I have been drinking coffee since I was much younger than 14 because of the taste and I have no bad side effects.


yea it harms everybody in the kidneys

yes... it ruins your teeth if you arn't careful.

Only when injected rectally.

omg. I have answered this question before and it does harm to however old you are. Coffee makes you tired but it is delicious. Im 12 years old and I love to drink coffee. Not all coffeee are bad for you like frappuchinos and cold coffee

If you consume too much caffeine it is harmful for everyone but one glass per day would not be harmful .

Not unless you drink an awful lot of it. My paternal grandmother was creole so I was weaned on coffee and chicory.

It is said that coffee can stunt your growth... also any excess of caffine is unhealthy for a body that is still growing. You're also running the risk of creating an addiction at a very young age, which can be a costly one.

Yes the caffeine absorbs the water in your system causing you to dehydrate which is a danger to athletes. Not to mention, it keeps you from getting a good night's rest which is something every teen needs!
Some say it stunts teens growth as well. So stick with juices and water!

omg i love coffee too i drank a cup today lol, but it can harm your kidneys and teeth only hot cofee does, So try to drink less of the hot and more of the cold!

No not at all

Did you know that fine motor controll can improve with moderate amounts of coffee. also coffee seams to offer some protection against colon cancer,type two diabetes, and dehydration.So now do you realy think it will harm your health

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