What do you think of this in regards to starbucks?!


What do you think of this in regards to starbucks?

I went to Starbucks and ordered a tall Americano for $1.80 and paid with a ten dollar bill. But the barista thought it was a twenty and gave me back $18.20. I was about to correct them but got greedy, lol. Then I waited 15 minutes for the Americano while seeing others wait seconds for their venti Frappuccinos and such. Then the barista asked if I was waiting for something and I was like yeah, a tall Americano. Then she was like oh I must have thrown it away or something. Then she finally made me one and I had to wait 2 minutes for that. Was it fair how I had to wait about 20 minutes for a drink but got more than I was supposed to in change?

I believe that would be like being paid $10 for standing there for 20 minutes. This equates to $30/hr. for doing nothing... which I personally don't think I could justify...even though Starbucks is a huge conglomerate, it is possible that the missing till money could come out of the barista's pocket, and that isn't fair.

A good rule of thumb given to me my by business law professor: If you have to ask "is this fair?" or "is this ethical?" ... the answer is generally 'no'

i think that's pretty good compensation. you got a coffee for free plus some for some retard behind the counter that screwed up.

I don't think it's such a good idea to keep the rest of the money that does not belong to you. I have been in retail, and the person that rang you up could get in trouble for the missing money. Just follow your heart.

That's called karma dear.

When I worked at a museum, I was cool with an employee in the store. I went to buy a colorful shirt for my little brother's birthday, but dude gave it to me for free.

My brother was walking up some ice stairway (while wearing this same shirt) and he fell and broke his jaw.

I have been an honest person ever since.

Consider yourself lucky, but don't do something like that again.

You don't know if it was that girls first day on the job, or if she was having a really rough time in her life right now, all ppl make mistakes and she happend to make it that day with you. YOU should have given her back the correct change..that's what an Honest person would do.....and it is not a matter of Was it FAIR you had to wait 20min for your americano?? Your question should be was it Fair for you to pocket money that didn't belong to you but would probably be coming out of her pocket. HAVE YOU ever made a mistake??

Karma!!!!!! That's why you had to wait 20 minutes for your coffee!! Shame on you! If you had given the money back, I guarantee you wouldn't have had to wait AND you likely would have gotten a promo card for a freebie - that happened to me once when I was HONEST!! Good things happen to people who do good things and, well, those who do bad things...

Ask yourself if it was you behind the counter and you had been having a BAD morning would you want someone to take the money. Or think of it this way- remember that there are Angels watching over us at all times maybe it was a test for judgment day.

umm you could get that barista fired... good job.. maybe they did accidentally drop the cup and noone ever wrote abother cup. it happend. but you could have very well gotten them fired... if their drawer is 5 dollars short then they can get into major trouble! you shoudl have been honest.. yes some peple get their fraps liek that.. cause sometimes when its busy they have 2 baristas.. one doing the hot espresso and hot drinks. while the other does the cold drinks liek iced teas and fraps... after about 5 miniutes you soudl have asked where your drink was.. so i n a way its your fault for stting and waiting there that long. and it was very inhonest for you to "get greedy" like that...

Karma was balanced. Forget about it. And enjoy your extra cash.

yes are you kidding me money is always better than time and in the end you got both more money and your americano. besides if you didnt think they might notice and say something to you, you probally would have told them you were waiting for something in less time than you did

Well, first of all it's not fair that you had to wait for 20 minutes for your drink. To be honest, I don't think it was karma because what happened to you was something light. It would have been karma if you had lost money, or maybe if you spilled the drink on you, but waiting in line is just something light. At least that is what I believe. Anyway, yeah the cashier gave you back more than necessary, but it's her own fault. People who work as cashiers are always asked to know how much they are given, and how much to give back. They can't just take money, and guess how much they are getting. They have to look and make sure. Anyway, whatever happened, but who knows if it's the end of that, or something else awaits you.

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