Anyone tried red tea?? is it nice compared to green tea??!


Anyone tried red tea?? is it nice compared to green tea??

i tried chinese tea, a kind of red tea, it smells and tastes stronger than green tea, that i think it's really nice. i love both red tea and green tea, red tea is more fragrant and green tea tastes more fresher.
some chinese believe that drinking a cup of red tea everyday is good for health. i hope you like it!

Yes I have. Tea from the Rooibos (Afrikaans for Red Bush)plant looks similar to ordinary black tea in the cup, and can be drunk with milk as well as lemon. It is fermented in a similar way to black tea but is an entirely different plant. I have to say that it tastes a little like, but not an entirely convincing version of ordinary black tea. It is very subtle so you should try it to see if it is for you. Its main advantage over "normal" black and green tea is that it contains no caffeine. It is very popular in Southern Africa where it originates from, but there are several brands in the UK. I recently saw some in Waitrose. The article in the link compares some of the relative health benefits of red and green tea.

Do you mean red bush tea from South Africa (also known as rooibos)? If so, yes it is lovely! There is no caffeine in it - I understand that green tea does have some. I get a really nice rooibos / berry mix from a shop in Toronto (where I used to live) and I would say it is my favourite tea in the world!

It's also the only "herbal" tea that I think tastes nice with milk.

Never tried it, but do love the green, I will look out for the red and give it a try, thanks for bringing that to my attention. (",)

Yes, I tried it once and disliked it. I prefer the green tea with Jasmine. Just like any kind of tea, there are a variety of kinds to benefit anyone's taste buds.

Not only tasty, this herbal tea is good for your health too.
Technically, Rooibos is not a true tea. It comes from the plant Aspalathus linearis, rather than the Camellia plants that produce traditional teas. The name Rooibos comes from the Afrikaans word for 'red bush'.
The Rooibos plant is a small shrubby bush that only grows in South Africa. The bush grows anywhere from 1/2 to 1 metre in height, with very thin, needle-like leaves. The leaves are green, but turn the characteristic red after fermentation.

The Rooibos seeds are precious, because the plants produce few of them. The seeds also pop out of the fruits as soon as they are ripe, making harvest difficult. Many farmers still raid anthills looking for Rooibos seeds.

It is a rather delicate plant, and the cultivation has not changed much over the years. The plants thrive best when left along in their natural soil. The farming of Rooibos has always been very close to nature and remains so today.

The locals have known that Rooibos can be used to make a delicious beverage for a very long time, but it was only 'discovered' in 1904 by a Russian immigrant named Benjamin Ginsberg. He was a settler in the area and thought that the tea was so enjoyable that it should be available to people everywhere. He was the first to market Rooibos tea.

Rooibos tea is a distinctive red colour and its taste is also unique with a very sweet and slightly nutty flavour. Its delicious taste and numerous healthful qualities has helped Rooibos become a popular tea all over the world. It is still fairly 'new' but more and more people are coming to love this unique red tea.

The flavor can be bland so you will see it blended with vanilla, or pomagranite etc. I like it. It has a natural sweetness so you don't need sugar. I like the Vanilla and Red Tea by Celestial Seasonings. There is also white tea which is light as well also worth trying I like the white tea and pear it is very refreshing, you will find both have less tanin so they lack bitterness of black tea.

Yes!!! My mother bought it at the grocery store one day (because it was this "heart healthy" brand and my mother has heart problems) and I tried it and it was delicious!!! It's great for your heart, too! I highly recommend it!

If you mean red bush tea, then I really do NOT like it. I don't like green tea either but I would rather drink that then red tea. But having say that everyone has different tastes and you might find that you like it

I love red teas as well as black. If you are a huge fan of green teas I would venture to guess that you will still prefer them. Red and black teas have a bolder flavor (which is why I prefer them I find greens and whites too weak).

redbush tea is nicer than green tea

Anything is nice compared to green tea.
Rooibos is very soothing. No caffiene and similar in anti-oxidant qualities to green.

i love red tea with milk and pink rose bud!

simply delicious!

i get them from

yep but i like it more than white tea

yes red tea is nice much more flaver in it if you like green tea you will love red ..give it a go .

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