Tea, Coffe, Cappuccino or Hot coco?!
Tea, Coffe, Cappuccino or Hot coco?
Which would you choose for a hot drink?
I go for Cappucino! (- -,)
Tea in the summer time, coffee in the winter and hot coco just before bed.
I'm more of a tea drinker though.
A chai tea latte. I have become addicted.
Hot coco in the winter and coffee in the summer.
green tea with a slice of lemon and a tbs of honey...hot in winter and cold in summer
Hot coco. :-)
Depends on my mood! Sometimes I like a cup of tea, sometimes I prefer a coffee and when I am out I might drink a cappuccino or hot chocolate (if it is past about 3pm so my sleep is not ruined!!!!)
Hot coco because it's healthy,according to history, doctors give chocolate for patients to drink.Plus I'm just a kid!
Triple Grande Soy Latte from Starbucks
Tea for two.
green tea with mint during daytime and hot coco during watching a nice t.v show at night
Right now, a cup of strong coffee, because I'm very tired. I could also use cocojoe- 1/2 cup of strong coffee mixed with 1/2 cup of hot cocoa- it's amazingly good
I like Cappuccino with a kick, I don't know what kind of alcohol the kick is , but boy, is it good.