The classic question: Pepsi or Coke?!


The classic question: Pepsi or Coke?

or Dr Pepper or Mountain Dew or Cherry Coke or What???

Pepsi all the way.

I guess it depends on personal taste. Everyones taste buds are not the same. I prefer Coke Zero because it tastes like Classic Coke but has less sugar.

Taste Pepsi usually wins. Number of sales, Coke wins.

Whichever one is on sale.

Though I think Pepsi tastes better.

GOOD root beer--in a bottle.

Dr. Pepper with Vanila and Cherry

pepsi for me and dr.pepper

i would say Dr Pepper because its a blend of many diferent flavors


haha, they did a test in that for awhile. to me they are pretty much the same though from observation, people tend to prefer pepsi. the ads probably. root beer anyday, dr.pepper. and you?

Coke Zero with stacks of ice and a touch of vodka me thinks

Mountain Dew, I just wish I could still buy it in the 16oz glass bottle.

Coke & Dr Pepper

i like pepsi better than coke, no diet tho, but i do like dr pepper and appletizer

Mountain Dew..
I need the stuff or my day is ruined..
it's like a drug that's legal..
and addictive as life..
but it's soo good!

Royal Crown Cola.....

Cherry Coke is my personal favorite.

take 6 Styrofoam cups, label three of them "C" and the other three "P" on their bottoms, fill the "C" cups with coke from a can and the "P" cups with Pepsi from a can. Mix them up and ask someone to put all the Pepsi to one side and the coke to the other. I bet they can't do it. They both taste the same. If you don't believe it try it.

I like Dr Pepper but i like sprite better.

Dr. Pepper is my overall favorite, but Coke is better than Pepsi to me. Pepsi is much too sweet.

Coke all the way!

PEPSI but I usually buy what is on sale. even bargain brands

Moutain Dew


no brainer pepsi is good! when u drink coke u have an after taste and it tasts nasty expcialy diet coke.


Coke more than Pepsi...pepsi has an artificial sweet taste and goes flat quicker. Cherry Coke is lovely but non diet coke makes my teeth feels horrible, you can feel the sugar coating them



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