What do you think about the energy drinks?!


What do you think about the energy drinks?

I have seen many kids from the age of 8 to 13 who drinks these energy drinks; for example, Red Bulk, Energy, Rock Stars, etc… These energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine, so I don’t think they are good for the kids’ brain developments. What is your opinion on this issue?

I agree with you, I remember when they first came out and I was about 15, and they actually had warnings on them saying kids under 13 shouldn't drink it. I also heard drinking red bull is equivalent to drinking 13 cups of coffee

No they are not..and in my city they do not sell them to kids under 16. The stores check school ID's or they have to be with a parent.

i drink the stuff anyway!!!!!!!

I think they don't work. If they do then you are a sissy.

I am doing a report on energy drinks. They are now not allowing kids under 18 to purchase these drinks because they are like drugs.

Nobody can prove that it is harmful to kids
But there are kids here drinking it at the age of 3 given by their parent !!1

do know know about FDA approval

these drinks are much safer than
what kids drink [ behind your back ]

The energy drinks contain a lot of different chemicals, which may be harmful to kids' body. Caffeine is not good in high amounts. Sugar is not beneficial at all.

Soft and sugary drinks are harmful, too.

I have to say that Sugarless Red Bull definitely helps me to focus and get my work done. I used to drink a ton of Monster Chaos flavor, but I think that if had continued I'd be a diabetic by now.

I'm 29 though, so I think that for kids, it's definitely too young. Way too many things like Guarana, and the stuff that Redbull has that got banned in Canada.

To many calories and your'e still thirsty afterwards

I know some energy boost, Because kids/ adults do like awesome drinks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ralyfdsi3...

well im 13, i dont drink energy drinks but i no a fair amount of people who do. the only reason they drink it is because it tastes good and it makes them have a sugar rush. if they want to screw up their body its up to them

Just had one and now i am to tired to answer your ?

NO GOOD...if kids need a "pick me up", they need to see their family doctor, who will probably tell them to take vitamins and get more sleep

i like irn bru 32 wakey wakey.but not for children.

they aren't good for kid's brain development, and i dint even drink things like mountain dew, or coca cola anymore because of the levels of caffeine(I'm 13). the only thing i drink with caffeine in it is coffee, and that's only a couple of times a month(plus i get decaffeinated if i can). caffeine drinks are also bad for adults. there was one man who just got home from fighting in the war on terror, and he was having nightmares(wouldn't you?)so he drank lots of vault, and red bull etc so he wouldn't have to sleep. well a few weeks later he went on a camping trip, and died because he drank so much. there is also an energy drink that has killed teenagers(you must be 18 to buy it)because it has like 8 times the caffeine that red bull has. energy drinks can also cause dehidration, and in some cases prevent you from sweating, which makes you hotter, you drink more energy drink, because you feel dehidrated, then you completely stop sweating, and you feel like your on fire. a good rule for parents to have is to not let their kids drink anything that isn't diet, such as diet coke, diet dr. pepper etc.

To be honest, I do think that kids shouldn't be allowed to drink energy drinks, until they are of age. Yeah, some stores ask for id's and some don't, and in a way they are to blame, but all in all, we all know that the parents are to blame. Parents already know what is good and what is bad. Although I must say there are some parents out there who only do what their child wants, so if their dear old child wants an energy drink then they will get it. Anyway, if the parents buy the drink for their kids they better not be crying or trying to sue the company of the drinks for whatever happens to their child. That is just something stupid and ridiculous. The stores that don't ask for id's will close and not only that, but if the parent doesn't buy the drink, then they can sue. All in all, either the parent or the store is to blame.

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