I Have ACID REFLUX the Dr said I can have DECAF COFFEE. Help!?!


I Have ACID REFLUX the Dr said I can have DECAF COFFEE. Help!?

I had not much sleep, already had a full day and I got called into work. I need energy! I can't drink caffiene as advised due to my acid reflux and my doctor told me on my last visit I can have coffee I just have to switch to decaf. So what in the world do I order at starbucks and will this even help give me some energy??? Can I have cream and sugar I asume? Never had acid reflux pls help!

It's not fun for show but if it helps the burning. He should have ask you to raise your bed 4" & pillows that also raise it. I don't know what he RX'd but Nexium is great. After I felt some relief, I alternated Decaf / Caf / Decaf You'd be surprised, you can't tell the difference in taste.

OK, I'm being serious here. I either have acid reflux or an ulcer, but no doctor will diagnose it. Yeah, caffeine's bad for either. But I still drink coffee. STRONG black coffee. Pick up a bottle of Pepcid AC Maximum Strength. Take it before the coffee. It'll get you through until the doc can say something sensible.

I had that a long time ago, I found that Kava coffee had plenty of caffeine but no acid! I got to drink coffee and didn't feel like I was having a heart attack.

Acid Reflux Disease is a fancy name for Heartburn. The drug companies realized that people won't spend ridiculous amounts of money for prescription drugs to treat Heartburn so they coined the term "Acid Reflux Disease". Have a cup of coffee and some Rolaids and you won't know the difference.

Caffeine increases acid production, thus worsening the reflux. There are many things that will help with your reflux. Too bad your doc wasn't more specific. Hope he gave you meds w/ better directions. You need to tell him you need more advice from him than "drink decaff", like no food 4 hrs before bed, and elevate the head of your bed on a couple of bricks. Also, watch the alcohol and carbonated beverages late at night. If you are overwt, lose some. Go to webmd and research it.
As far as what'll help w/ energy: compromise and get some caffeine - just go half caffeine free. Try it, and good luck!

I suggest that you get some Bawls (guarana base drink) this is a natural root and the drink is not acid and full of chemical stuff like red bull and many other energy drinks. Also you can get some B6 vitamin to boos your metabolism & ginko biloa nutritional supplement...

Only solution, get some pepcid and jump into the caffeine!!

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