How Many Glasses Of Pop Should You Drink Daily???!


How Many Glasses Of Pop Should You Drink Daily???

I used to have like 4 cups of soda a week. Now I rarely ever drink the sugary drink. Soooo I guess my answer is.......0.

Really, you should try & avoid pop all's very unhealthy. When you do choose to drink pop, try the kind sweetened with splenda (like diet rite) because the sweetener in other diet pops is found to be very bad for you, and the kinds sweetened with sugar are high in calories. Drink only one or two a day.


The best thing is to not drink pop

None, pop is bad for you. Mineral water is OK, but club soda is high in sodium (salt). Regular pop is either high in sugar, or sugar substitute, and a great deal of pop is quite high in caffiene. Try mixing fresh squeezed OJ with mineral water it's a great replacement and is high in vitamins and minerals.

*Should*? Zero. Pop is not necessary for health.

If you really love it and can't do without it, 1 should be the limit. It contains too much sugar and it will bloat you up.

duh. none.

As many as humanly possible. The more Coke or Diet Coke you drink, the more likely I am to stay employed.

Truly, soda is not a must have for any diet, but it tastes great.

Most docs would say none, but one or two a day isn't a terrible thing. The sugar can get to be too much, so stick to diet if you crave soda. No empty calories there.

It should be in direct correspondence with the rest of your regular diet. For example, if you drink two a day, then you should eat pretty healthy foods to balance everything out.

Well...The doctor doesn't prescibe cokes as a you really shouldn't drink ****..some dont hurt but how many "should you" thats dumb

Soda Pop in addition to being loaded with sugar contains Phosphoric Acid which depletes calcium (not good for women). Most also contain the preservative Sodium Benzoate which is a derivative of Benzene. Drink as little as you can. Switch to Iced Tea or Snapple.

Obviously, you should drink zero a day. It is an "extra" in the food group category and leeches your bones of calcium thus causing osteoporosis. Also discolors your teeth if it is a cola brand and you become addicted to caffeine if it is not caffeine free.


none.its better for you to drink water

None. You don't need any, water and juice provide you with what you need. Pop, aka soda steals nutrients from you. So none is how many you should have. You could have one or two in a day if you wish to deal with the effects of them.

3 times and week maybe, if you drink it too much then you would have kidney stone, thats bad for you, you should drink water or juice, also stay active.

None if you can help it. Its very, very bad for you in many ways. I was addicted to it for years and I quit cold turkey 3 months ago and haven't touched it since. Good luck!

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