How do I make ginger ale?!


How do I make ginger ale?

4 oz. Dried Ginger Root
1 gal. Water
Juice from 1 Lemon
1 packet Active Dry Yeast
1/2 lb. Sugar

Pound the Ginger Root to bruise it, then boil in 1/2 gal. water for about 20 minutes. Remove from stove and set aside. Mix lemon juice and packet of dry yeast in a cup of warm water, and add to the water in which ginger root was boiled. Pour in remaining water, and let mixture sit for 24 hours. Strain out the root and stir in sugar. Bottle and place in refrigerator. Do not store at room temperature, bottles may explode. Makes ten 12-oz bottles.

"Back to Basics" by Reader's Digest.

Ginger (shreded), Carbonated Water (spritzer), Sugar. Mix and Ice in fridge = ready.

carbonated water, sugar, 1 drop ginger extract

You can't make ginger into ale. I suggest you put the ginger away until you need it for cooking or something and just go and buy some ale. Its not that expensive.

Step 1. Get car keys
Step 2. Drive to store
Step 3. Go into store and get a bottle of ginger ale
Step 4. Stand in line and pay
Step 5. Drive home, park, and return car keys
Step 6. Pour ginger ale into glass
Step 7. Serve ginger ale and say you made it
Step 8. Recieve all the credit and make people think you worked so hard

if you want to see pics, click on the link at bottom...

How to Make Ginger Ale

Even though you can look at the shelves in any supermarket and find various brands of ginger ale, making your own is not only educational, but creates an entirely different taste of a refreshing and healthy drink. Here's how to make a 2L bottle of fresh ginger ale straight from the ginger.

Add 1 cup of sugar to the bottle through the dry funnel. Leave the funnel in place until all the steps are complete and you are ready to cap the bottle.

Measure out 1/4 teaspoon of fresh granular active baker's yeast. Use Fleischmann's or any brand that you might buy in the health food store.

Add the yeast through the funnel into the bottle. Shake it to disperse the yeast grains into the sugar granules.

Grate the ginger root on a fine "cutting" grater to produce 1 1/2 Tablespoon of grated root. See the Tips below for more information on using the right grater.

Place grated ginger in the cup measure.

Juice a whole lemon. Lemon is optional, giving a little tartness to the ginger ale. Try it both ways to see which you prefer.

Add the juice of a whole lemon to the grated ginger.

Stir the lemon juice and grated ginger to form a slurry.

Add the slurry of lemon juice and grated ginger to the bottle. (It may stick in the funnel. Don't worry, the next step will wash it into the bottle.).

Rinse the containers that held the lemon juice and grated ginger with fresh clean water. Do not dump the water just yet...

Add the rinsing water to the bottle.
12.Cap and shake the bottle.

Reopen and fill the bottle to the neck with fresh cool clean water, leaving about an inch of head space. Then securely screw the cap down to seal. Invert the bottle repeatedly to thoroughly dissolve sugar. (The ginger root will not dissolve, of course.)

Place the ginger ale in a warm location for 24 to 48 hours. See the Warnings below.

Test to see if carbonation is complete by squeezing the bottle forcefully with your thumb. If it dents in as in the picture, it is not ready.
16.Once the bottle feels hard to a forceful squeeze, usually only 24-48 hours, place in the refrigerator. Before opening, refrigerate at least overnight to thoroughly chill. Crack the lid off the thoroughly chilled ginger ale just a little to release the pressure slowly. You do not want a ginger ale fountain!

・This style of fine "cutting" teeth works MUCH better than the style with the sharp pointy piece of metal which crumbles food. The design is also less likely to shred your knuckles.
・Filter the ginger ale through a strainer if you find floating pieces of ginger objectionable. These are found in the first glass or two poured and, since most of the ginger sinks to the bottom, the last glass or so may require filtering too. Rinse the bottle out immediately after serving the last of the batch.
・Fermentation has been used by mankind for thousands of years for raising bread, fermenting wine and brewing beer. Carbon dioxide causes bread to rise and gives effervescent drinks their bubbles. This action of yeast on sugar is used to 'carbonate' beverages, as in the addition of bubbles to champagne.
・You may of course adjust the quantities of sugar and/or extract to taste. Note that the lemon called for in step seven is optional. And if you want a spicier drink, you can increase the amount of grated ginger.
・To personalize your ginger ale, design your own label and attach it to the bottle as you place it with pride in the center of your dinner table.
・You can substitute artificial sweeteners for the sugar as long as you use 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. This is all that is actually required for the yeast to carbonate the beverage.

・This recipe will produce alcohol in the finished product
oThe quantity of alcohol in the finished product over a 2-3 day fermentation period is going to be minuscule, however, if left out for several days (see further warnings) it will continue to ferment until all of the sugar and the alcohol content will be considerably higher. It will taste nothing like ginger ale.
・Do not leave the finished ginger ale in a warm place any longer than the time it takes for the bottle to feel hard. Leaving it at room temperature longer than two days, especially in the summer when the temperature is high, can generate enough pressure to explode the bottle! Once it is thoroughly chilled, there is little danger of explosion.
・When purchasing your yeast, do not buy "brewer's yeast", as this is typically inactive yeast left over from the brewing process. It is dead yeast, and will not work. For best results, buy yeast from a beer and wine maker's supply store.

Things You'll Need
・clean 2 liter plastic soft drink bottle with cap
・grater (preferably with fine "cutting" teeth)
・1 cup measuring cup
・1/4 tsp and 1 Tbl measuring spoons
・cane (table) sugar [sucrose] (1 cup)
・freshly grated ginger root (1 1/2-2 tablespoons)
・use only fresh ginger root (purchasable at most large supermarkets, or Asian food shops)
・juice of one lemon
・fresh granular baker's yeast (1/4 teaspoon)
・cold fresh pure water

thx 4 ur Q. & u need not to go other 4 this recipy.

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