What is the craziest coffee drink you've ever heard ordered at Starbucks?!
What is the craziest coffee drink you've ever heard ordered at Starbucks?
A gentleman in front of me once ordered eight shots of espresso to go! I had to watch him as he left...he was an airline pilot and I wanted to make sure he wasn't heading to the same gate that my flight was scheduled for!
The craziest thing someone ordered was a frappucino with 6 flavor shots, no sugar, two spoons of nutmeg, skim milk, and 10 creams, whipped cream drizzled witht the works.
Plain coffee.
Plain, black, non-flavored coffee. A cup of joe like at a diner. They look at you like you're an alien.
I have ordered triple espressos before and I get asked "Are you SURE?!?!?
ive never been to starbucks... is that bad?
somebody asked for a quinteplet shot of espresso
(its not as much as the person you saw getting eight shots but it sounds cool)
The only crazy stuff I order is for my wife (wink wink). So whatever she wants, she gets. As for me personally, the most creative thing I ever purchases for myself was some some of green tea slushy thing.
I hope that pilot doesn't fly for Southwest!
A tall mocha made in a venti cup with whipped cream up to the top.