Tea or Coffee?!
Tea or Coffee?
Does drinking hot tea or coffee is more benificial then cold ?
Hmm dont think so
I don't believe so. I don't like "ice coffee" but I do like Ice tea
Yes, because of you were to drink it cold well then thats just sickly!
ice cold tea is better than hot tea. hot tea is bitter and makes your stomach hurt.
personal preference
Hot tea could help soothe a sore throat. And cold tea could always quench your thirst!
coffee is bad for your health and body. So I don't prefer coffee, tea is good for your health though. And also very tasty!
~Smile cause God loves you~
i have to go with hot.
Does is? The heat content of the drink is irrelevant to its benefits, or lack thereof.
for tea there's no differences! for coffee i guess it is the same!