Does drinking coke make you high?!


Does drinking coke make you high?

Drinking coke or any type of beverage with caffeine can make you high. Not high like an illicit drug however. Instead, this high is more of a "rush" or "sugar high". You may feel alert from coke, or very hyper. Coke can also make you feel energized. This does not last for a long time and eventually you crash from the effects of the caffeine.

I drink coke.


No. It doesn't.

coke as in the drug or coke as in the drink? Please rephrase your question

ofcourse, but youll cough powder for days

If your body reacts dramatically to sugar yes, if you are normal, no.

Coca Cola and other cola drinks are made with kola nuts, which are loaded with caffeine. Eating kola nuts can make you high, but there isn't enough of them in the soft drink to do anything except help keep you awake, much as coffee does.

The stuff it is made of can alter the heart rate and certain endorphins will be released, it is plausible that it can. Sugar,Caffeine and fizzy stuff are chemicals, high like drunk? not really.

they use to put 0.o1% so it can get you hocked but not enght to get you high now they use aspertame instead.

Believe it or not, they used to put real coke in it back in the 80's and earlier. People did get high and addicted.


Not any more, but it used to. They actually put cocaine in it for repeat drinkers.

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