Which tea is the best for you?!


Which tea is the best for you?

Out of all the tea's available in stores, which ones are the best? Sweetened, unsweetened, the ones with anti-oxidents or what? I like drinking tea, but I wanted to know which one was the best overall tea?

i have heard green tea (hot, and not that lipton crap) has a lot of health benefits.

Green tea is suppose to be the best.

What I've been told is all tea is equal as long as you are consistant in drinking it. Just pick one you like and drink it often.

The following website is great for learning about tea and buy bulk tea!

Green tea (unsweetened) is very good, as are many herbals, especially rooibos.

to lose weight and clean out your system chinese tea

There are many types of tea in the world. Green tea has been the most popular. I know people who have tried green, jasmine, white, and woo long. I found that white has the best health effects.

white tea for antioxidants or green tea because it speeds up your metabolism.

The green and white teas supposedly have the most anti oxidants because they are not processed as much as the black teas. But i believe if you love tea, you should try all different kinds so you don't get bored with one kind. There are so many different kinds of green, white, black, and herbal teas that no one will live long enough to try every single kind!

tea is a great thing, so enjoy it and the health benefits will follow.

Mushroom Tea or Long Island Ice tea

green tea and white tea are full of antioxidents... but they clean you out, locate all bathrooms in close proximity. i like fuz white tea, and snapple white tea with nectarine. thier full of sugar though... but alot less guilty than a 140 calorie can of coke.

It is a good question. There are two things worth mentioning.

Firstly, contrary to popular belief, scientists have not found green tea to be more healthy than black tea.

Here is an extract from the first link:

Studies carried out by Leung and Luczaj found that oxidisation merely modifies the type of flavonoids present. The antioxidant content and activities remain unchanged for both teas.

In the victro study conducted by Paquay, black tea fights certain free radicals, oxygen and nitrogen better than green tea. Another study conducted by Sarkar found that green tea and black tea were equally able to protect against nitric oxide toxicity.

Secondly, whether you drink green tea or black tea is probably less important the type of beverage you drink.

There are many choices: instant green tea, flavored green tea, decaffeinated green tea, teabag and loose-leaf green tea.

The 2007 report published by the US Department of Agriculture compares nearly 400 foods for their flavonoids content.

It shows that an original brew is the healthiest.

In some way it explains why more health benefits are observed in Asia and not Europe.Asians tend to drink loose-leaf, which has higher catechins content than, say ready made green tea.

Hope helps. Happy drinking.


green tea

i dont drink tea but from the people i know that do, they tell me the green tea is the best for you.

any tea is good provided you drink it without milk.

I would have to say either green tea or chamomile because neither contain any caffine snd both are antioxidents, which helps in keeping the body a healthy running machine.

i think it depends on your preferences. i love teacuppa rou gui oolong, it is the best oolong tea so far for me. :)

i also like pearl jasmine tea and xi hu long jing from them.

Both green and black teas are good for your health. EGCG in green tea and the polyphenols in black teas have been shown to reduce risk in several types of cancers. Some faculty in my department (F&N at Purdue) do research on that very topic. All teas in the store will have anti-oxidants no matter what the brand. I prefer black tea and have found that often in groceries the "store brand" black tea is better tasting than Lipton, etc. Get some variety packs and find to taste you like best.

I like un-sweetened green tea with mint, really makes me feel relaxed

unsweetened, is the best for you

Green Teas are the healthies for you..hot or cold

Green Tea
Chai Spice tea
Honey Ginseng tea
White Tea

the green and white teas are good hot or cold...anti-oxidents naturally plus good for the kidneys and bladder in addition to fighting colds and germs in your body plus great for energy...and cooling down at the end of the day..relieves headaches and stress from the body....the Honey ginseng tea is good for the vocal cords and sore throats.. plus it has anti-oxidants...plus with ginseng ...you get a energy boost
chai spice tea just smells so good and tastes even better...I know it's healthy but not up on it's strong points...it can't be bad for you...tea is taken from herbs and spices...better for you than coffee..which is not healthy for the kidneys and bladder.

everything that you would ever want to know is on this site.


Lipton green tea...unsweatened.

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