Fizzy water or still?!


Fizzy water or still?

and is fizzy water bad for you?

still everytime. fizzy tastes different!?!

this gonna sound stupid but its what i heard.
cans of pop and fizzy drinks can cause cramp in you muscles.
i did say it was wierd.
but i also found this below i'd stick with still


Fizzy always, still is boring. It's not as bad for me as the f a g s.

Can't see fizzy being bad for you, but it does help you to burp if you have indegestion lol......gotta be still for me though

still for me thanks


Most definitely fizzy and no I don't think it's bad for it?

Tough one, because I don't mind both, but am more likely to drink still, as it doesn't give you such gas - LOL! I'm not sure if fizzy is bad for you, but it can give you stomach cramp if you drink too much, but I guess that is the same with all fizzy stuff.

still - if it is pure

Definitely STILL and fizzy is ok in moderation but not gallons of the stuf - make you fart and burp like crazy!

Still. I don't think fizzy is bad for you - but I just don't like carbonation in general. Still. It's easier for me to drink more - and drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is good. Can't imagine drinking that much of the fizzy stuff!

fizzy not always if it is spring water tthats ok

fizzy water has more salt in it so really the hydration you think you are getting you are not .stick with still,also salt will help with water retention and still will help flush the salt out....

Come on, what's the matter with tap water? Bottled water is just hype whether it's fizzy or still. Why waste your money? To answer your ?, fizzy. Don't see the point of still!

I prefer still water.

Still every time for me! Fizzy water just reminds me of soluble aspirin........yuck! It`s not bad for you though, just a matter of personal taste.


still, and fizzy not bad, not healthy

I prefer Still the Fizzy Water is to Gassy for me.

It's not bad for you as it isn't sweetened but I prefer plain cold water, cos fizzy makes me burp.

still everytime.....

i love sparkling water. i was drinking that throughout my pregnancy too. i think its better than coke, 7-up etc and healthier too.

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