Milk first? or water?!!!!?!


Milk first? or water?!!!!?

How to make the perfect cuppa? Ok, its not rocket science i know!! But i just wanna see how many people do it one way or the other. Milk 1st or water??

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4 months ago
Sorry, i automatically assume every1 thinks a cuppa is tea!!

4 months ago
Sorry, i automatically assume every1 thinks a cuppa is tea!!

Definately water first, if you put the milk in first it stops the teabag from 'brewing' properly resulting in a horrible weak milky tea, gross!

take tbag out.. dip biscuits :D lol


I always put a little milk in first so I can tell how strong the tea is gonna be before I take the bag out!!

Always milk first!

What are you making? If it's coffee, then by all means use the water first. If it's cocoa, then start with milk and leave the water out completely. If it's tea, start with good water, brew for 5 minutes and add milk, honey, and lemon.

boile the kettle, also warm the teapot. put three spoonfulls of tea in the teapot, add the water. leave to stand for three minutes, pour into cup. add milk and sugar, stir clockwise.

if the cup is china..then milk first.
if its a mug then water first.

stir milk into strong but not stewed tea, sweeten as required

water of course. the water needs to be boiling to brew the tea properly, if you put in milk first the temperature of the water drops and doesnt brew properly

Water first, heat will make the flavor come out. If you put milk in first it stops absorption

With tea, water first as you get the full flavour of the tea bag.
With coffee, milk first so you don't scorch the coffee with the boiling water.

Water first!! and I always put fresh water in the kettle because I read water boiled twice doesn't taste as good!

i always put the milk in first,then teabag then friend puts the water in first and i love her tea. x

Water first.

It's always the water first. You having milk in your tea, not tea in your milk :) I haven't used milk in tea since I was a kid, but I would still steep the bag first, then add sugar and milk. Same holds true for coffee.

When making a cup of tea I always put the water in first. I don't drink coffee but I guess I'd do it the same way.

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