What do you prefer.tea or coffee???!


What do you prefer.tea or coffee???

and do you like a biscuit with your drink?

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4 months ago
yes.i do live in the uk.

4 months ago
yes.i do live in the uk.

tea... bicuits occasionally if im in the mood xx

def Tea with a hob nob please

Coffee - don't drink tea. Have to have a biscuit - Hob Nob or custard cream are good for dunking!!

tea with no biscuits

Black Coffee, no biscuit.

Coffee with Digestive biscuits!!

Coffee. Yes, a biscuit would be lovely. R U from the UK?

milky tea 2 sugars and cookies.

Coffee - no biscuit

Black with 1 sugar please.STRONG.

I like iced tea. I only drink coffee in the mornings.
No I don't eat biscuits with either.

sainsbury`s red label, and a jaffa cake.

tea in the morning coffee in the afternoon.

tea first drink of the day , then coffee!! biscuits to dunk with the last one of the day

Always (for donkey's yonks) coffee before 12 and tea after 12.
And bickies with THICK chocolate on!

i prefer coffee..coz it helps me awake anytime..and i like to eat biscuits while drinking coffee..

Neither, dislike both, tea at a push but only with a big fat cake, guess that is why I am fat

Coffee flavoured biscuits! Best of both worlds

White tea no sugar, with nice biscuits to dunk!! Only once a week, because I end up eating the whole packet of biscuits... no self control - lol...

..One a daily basis, peppermint or green tea will do me.. can't dunk biscuits with thoses teas...!

What do you prefer?

I never have liked coffee, but love tea. in the USA, we call them (biscuits) cookies and yes I like them, but they have too many calories.

Coffee, and what do you mean by "biscuit", we are Americans for the most part when we think of biscuit we thing bacon egg and cheese you are thinking of a cookie or a cracker I believe, so umm no thanks.

defiantly coffee, used to be tea till i was pregnant with my son and went right off it cant even stand the smell now. An biscuits I wish i just have to look at one and i put a stone on each thigh lol

Tea please with a Maryland cookie..... Thanks!

COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE I love my coffee I would die without my coffee I NEED COFFEE no biscuit please jest good ol strong COFFEE PLEEEESE

Tea mostly, oh yes a nice chocolate biscuit, i like mcvities choc biccys at the moment or hobnobs

yum xox

I actually like them both, with milk and sugar. But coffee isn′t very good for my stomach, so I love to drink hot sweet tea with a biscuit in mornings and before I go to bed in evenings. But I like very much also coffee as a dessert, especially cappuccino or latte.

dont drink tea.Always have drunk coffee,but now all I drink is Nescafe cappuccino sachets,they are lovely and now I am hooked on them.It is more expensive though.Sometimes have biscuits,depends what mood I am in.


It used to be tea and a roll - up but I don't fancy it now I stopped smoking - I guess I associated the two.

COFFEE for me please, 2 sugars, touch of cow....... With a malted milk biscuit............ Mmmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

All I want is a proper cup of coffee,
made from a proper copper coffee pot,
I may be off my nut,
but I want a proper cup of coffee
from a proper copper pot.
Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots,
they’re no good to me!
If I can't have a proper cup of coffee
from a proper copper coffee pot,
I'll have a cuppa tea!

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