How do you make the perfect cup of tea?!


How do you make the perfect cup of tea?

Some times I make a cup of tea and it tastes absolutely perfect. Other times I make a cup of tea and it tastes sharp and acrid. I don't know what I'm doing right in the first place or wrong in the second. Is it that tea bags are inconsistent?

Tell me how to make the perfect cup of tea. From warming pots to Blending. From infusion time to milk tea ratio. I want to hear it all

use fresh water - repeated boiling is not good for tea making
(PS - for the environments sake only boil the amount of water you require to make your tea)
make sure you pour the water on to the tea bag as soon as the kettle has boiled (my preference is PG tips)
stir and leave for no more than a minute (modern bags are not designed to be brewed for longer than this and you get that horrible scummy surface if tehy are left for too long)
add milk
remove tea bag

Well if you back up a bit you will find someone has just asked this....they'll be plenty of answers for you to see!

Throw a cushion at the wife.....

Get the wife to brew it.

I make sure I have fresh water first of all and use tea that I know I like. Put bag and sugar in cup, pour hot water, stir and pour in the milk. Stir and sqeeze bag until the right colour and remove teabag - hey presto. You need to find your own perfect way but this one works for me and I have had no complaints from others!

Boil the kettle
Put the T Bag in the cup with a dash of milk
Fill the cup with the water
leave to stew for about a minute
sir it around and dispose of it
Then add sugar--(optional)

And lastly stir anit-clockwise 4 times
then Clockwise 3 times
Then Viola!!

The key to this is how long you allow it to brew. Depending on taste, 3 -5 minutes are best. After around 5 minutes, some chemicals start to release, which ruins the taste.

Well I think it all depends on the cup you use , a good cup of tea always tastes better if you drink it from a china cup, Boil the kettle as soon as it has boiled pour some of the hot water into your cup or tea pot, just to warm them up add your tea bag/bags then leave for as long as you like , I never pour boiling hot water over tea or coffee .always leaves that burnt kind of flavour, I normally drink coffee but I do make a nice cup of tea. Pop round any time & I′ll make you one

the perfect cuppa. never got it always taste different. and I always make it the same way unless I forget the sugar argh!.

This is how I make mine.

Tea bag first
water -just off the boil. (Tastes better if you filter it)

leave it to brew for a cuppa secs
milk - how much depends on how much I want to drink it.

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