Excessive thirst from not drinking pepsi anymore?!


Excessive thirst from not drinking pepsi anymore?

i stopped drinking pepsi about 7 days ago which is going fine however now that i drink water instead i find that i am drinking about 3 litres per day and i am always thirsty and my mouth is always dry. Is this normal? any advice would be appreciated.

I did the same thing awhile ago, your brain is playing tricks on you! leave the soda alone and continue to dowm the h20, you will get used to it and feel real good with clearer skin!


yes. you are normal. your supposted to drink tons of water, good for your skin too. but it doesnt have to be water only, you can iced tea, have you had the flavored waters? mmmm i love them, and if your mouth is always dry, i chew gum, and drink water, great combo.

Hmmm. I know that caffeinated Pepsi or colas can dehydrate you so I am a little puzzled why when you drink water you still have excessive thrist.

Do you use mouthwash every day. That can cause dry mouth because of the alcohol content.

I'd see a doctor if I were you. A sign of diabetes is constant thirst. All that sugar might have messed you up.

Dry mouth can be a sign of diabetes. Tell your doctor about this. A simple blood test for blood sugar levels can answer this question.

One of the first things you should be checked for is diabetes, which can be done with a single fingerstick test.

Yes it is normal. My grandfather was born in the 20's so he was raise on pop. Well, but he always drank water. When he stopped drinking soda which was way before I was born he would always drink alot of water. He still does but he portions it out through the day. It's just like cigerette addiction.. it's hard to stop, and once you stop you're still craving it.

Here are things that can help.
-Sip water regularly.
-Breathe through your nose, and not so much through your mouth because it'll just dry it out more.
-Add moisture to the air at night with a humidifier.
-Or, you can try Auga Drops.

Good luck.

You need to get used to drinking water. I drink water, and I hate Pepsi! I drink Coke, but I've had the same feeling.

Walmarts Flavoured water.

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