Does drinking coffee make you feel sick?!


Does drinking coffee make you feel sick?

I just finished my exams, and i used to drink so much coffee to stay awake and focused, now just the smell of coffee makes me feel sick...

I don't drink coffee, but I used to. I noticed a major increase in acid production, which caused a lot of stomach upset. If it makes you feel sick......then I wouldn't drink it. You can get a needed caffeine boost from others sources.

could you be pregnant? my usually strong stomach would do flips at normally pleasant smells when i was pregnant with my first. :)

Well I dont drink coffee nor would I, but I drink hot choclate and it makes me sick. I think sometimes its because of how the temperature gets to you and you feel too hot which causes you to be sick

yes you can get caffeen poisining, it makes you feel flu like with a dizzy head and nausea.

Coffee is acidic and can sometimes give you a stomache ache. It's an "upper" and effects your intestines. If used in excess it can cause dehydration and a general feeling of being wired. The fact that you associate it with the stress of taking exams and being exhausted doesn't help. Cut down. Take a nap.

it makes me feel like I'm hungry, but when I go to eat, the thought of eating, makes me nausious, (is that how you spell it?) anyhow..its a vicious cycle, now I dont drink coffee..

sometimes if I drink to much on an empty stomache the caffine will ge to me, and make me feel a bit woozy.

too much caffeine can do that to you and your stomach so slack off on the caffeine in coffee and colas and do more studying everyday to keep up with your exams

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