How heavy is a glass of water?!


How heavy is a glass of water?

How much does a water molecule weigh?
The weight of a molecule is determined by the atomic masses of the atoms that it is built of. The atomic mass of an atom is determined by the addition of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, because the electrons hardly weigh anything. When the atomic masses of the separate atoms are known, one simply has to add them up to find the total atomic mass of a molecule, expressed in grams per mol. A mol is an expression of the molair weight of a molecule, derived from the weight of a hydrogen molecule, which is 1 mol.
Hydrogen has a relative atomic mass of 1 g/ mol and oxygen has a relative atomic mass of 16 g/ mol. Water consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. This means that the mass of a water molecule is 1g + 1g + 16g = 18 g/ mol.
When the number of moles of water is known, one can calculate how many grams of weight this is, by using the molar weight of water.

What's the volume of the glass?

depends how big the glass is,
don't worry water is easy to throw up

How big is the glass? An imperial gallon weighs 10 lbs.

That completely depends on how big the cup is!

how much does the glass weigh, and how much water is in the glass...?

an 8 ounce glass of water is about 8 ounces in weight (8.34 ounces to be more exact).

Water weighs 8.34 lbs per gallon or 133.44 ounces (wt) per gallon.

There are 128 oz in a gallon... so each ounce weighs 133.44/128 = 1.0425 ounces per oz of water.

A glass is 8 oz so the weight is 1.0425 x 8 = 8.34 ounces (weight)

it depends on how many ozs. of water are in the glass

as the others have big is the glass?

all depends

What size of glass? how many ounces?? is the glass plastic, or glass?

Depends on how large the glass is!

I do know however that a litre of water weighs a kilo.

Hope that helps :)

Trick question, depends on the glass.

If you mean water weight, there's an old saw that goes, "A pint's a pound the world around." A pint is 16 ounces so, 16 ounces of water = 1 pound.

Depends on the container but 8oz. plus the glass, metal tumbler, coconut shell? Whatever it's in. I take it to mean the equivilent to a "cup" because in a resteraunt you get a 6oz juice a 8oz milk or a lg.=12oz. and the average is a cup or 8oz. like a highball glass.

how big is the glass.

Depends on how much water your using the size of the glass. Is the glass thin or a thick glass How much does the glass weigh? Too many variables for one question.

do the math...start out with water weighing 8.64lbs per gallon..find out the, you go from here

First how big is the glass, and how "heavy" is the glass.....

how heavy is the you need a measure ment to figure out this problem as in a cup quart liter no such thing as glass in measurements even though you could assume that the average glass holds about 16.floz so start your calculations from there

that all depends on the size of the glass and how much water is in it!

Depends both on the thickness of the glass and the size ...
The Weight of Water
Pounds Grams Kilograms
Cubic cm. 0.002205 1 0.001
Cubic inch 0.036127 16.387064 0.0163871
Liter 2.204684 1000.028 1.000028
Gallon 8.345404 3785.4118 3.7854118
Cubic foot 62.42796 28316.847 28.316847

it really depends on the glass, and the water in it.

depends on the size of the glass. put the glass of water on a scale..

as heavy as itself

12.38 oz

How heavy is the empty glass and how much water
does it contain ?

Each liquid ounce of fresh water weighs just over 1 ounce (confusing, eh?). A typical water glass holds around 8 liquid ounces, so that's just over a half-pound of water. A drinking glass that size, solidly made, will weigh about 11 ounces.

The glass plus water will weigh around 19 ounces, or just under a pound and a quarter. That's in earth gravity, of course. Now, on the moon .... ;)

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