What are some downsides to Starbuck's coffee?!


What are some downsides to Starbuck's coffee?

starbucks (the store) and starbucks (the coffee) and starbucks (the company) can be included in ur answer; thanx!

it's not so much the coffee, but the caffiene that'll kill you. but don't take my word for it (yes, lame salesman hook). take a look at these statistics!

For Starbuck's Grande Caffe Americano:

For Starbuck's Bottled Frappuchino:

For Starbuck's Double Shot:

For Starbuck's Grande Caffe Latte:

For Starbuck's Grande Cafe Mocha:

For Starbuck's Grande Capichino:

For Starbuck's Grande Coffee:

For Starbuck's Grande Decaf Coffee:

For Starbuck's Short Coffee:

if you still don't think that the caffene in these coffee's will be hazardous to your health, try the link below:


simply enter your weight and a drink of your choice and it will tell you the exact number of those drinks it would take to kill you. if death isn't a downside to Starbucks, i don't know what is.

good but WAY to expensive!!!

Personally I find any coffee to be disgusting.

its too damn expensive and gives u ulcers.

Price. Too much cream, not enough coffee.

Starbucks includes walnut hulls/shells in many of their blends. Many people like the flavor, but many others (like me) can taste it over the coffee. I get flavoring in mine so I can stomach it.

How do I know this? I've had numerous employees tell me this, and even a couple of managers.

The price is ok. Remember, something is only worth what people are willing to pay.

it's too expensive, might as well go to 7-11 and get some of their coffee

The Price

$4.00 for a cup of coffee...

What's wrong with Starbuck's is their customer's willingness to get ripped off.

They are too expensive. They are also an unfair monopoly of business. I have seen many smaller coffee shops go out of business because of starbucks.


I concur...


(Watch this video--it's the Neurotically Yours? cartoon that parodies the Starbucks? establishment).

The coffee is stale, over priced, stores full of yuppie pukes,and the company has been lieing to it's self for years, It controls the coffee market not the growers. Any company that is traded on the stock market is only about profit.
All in all they suck!

Too expensive man. I get their mocha at Costco. Much cheaper ;)

Starbucks is expensive the coffe

tha coffee is good as ever but the prices are so stinkin' high

It has a bit of a burnt taste, in my opinion.


There is nothing wronge with starbucks its roxs!

it is way to pricey for me

number one reason---the cost of a cup of coffee

The coffee, is left on the heating element too long that's why you may have a 'burnt taste' to it or something along those lines. The actual coffee isn't really worth the price, and you are only paying for the price, you could go to a gas station and get better tasting fresher coffee cheaper. But if you drink other things there, like a Chai tea latte or a tea type drink then they aren't bad in prices.

i think it is way too expensive. i can make it at home and take it with me and save a LOT of dough. i have only had starbucks coffee a few times and i didn't think it was that good...had that kind of ashtray taste to it that some coffees do.

HA HA! thats ridiculous! there are no walnut hulls or any other crap in coffee besides COFFEE BEANS that come fromt eh cherries! nothing but whole beans!!!

anyways!! i work there.. and i do agree it is a bit expensive! but there are really no downsides.. the company its self is great. great opportunitues for parnters to devlop. become managaers ect.. we give back tot he coffee communities liek build schools, medical centers, parks, ect...

also for the partners there are MANY MANY benefits.. if you are a starving college student liek i am. they have grants. scholarships, offer to pay for tuition (if you qualify of course) pay for text books. which cost an arm adn a leg these days!

also health benefits. and you get free stock if you work thre for a year.. and if a furute employee puts you down as a reference adn they work for starbucks for 3 months then you get 100 bucks! lol

but the drinks are a bit expensive... but if you are addicted to caffine than i guess thats what you pay for!

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