Is it possible to get high on coffee?!


Is it possible to get high on coffee?

I made a hybrid of coffee and chai and ive had about 8 cups and im buzzing pretty hard.. Is it the caffeine that did this? If i drank more would i get more messed up?

Additional Details

3 months ago
Haha the recipe was 3 tablespoons and 1 packet of chai tea per 2 cups.. I just emptied the chai into the filter and it also tastes great.. in my opinion [=

3 months ago
3 tablespoons of coffee**

3 months ago
I'm not young, im just having a party at an un-godly hour.. And im already addicted [=

3 months ago
Haha the recipe was 3 tablespoons and 1 packet of chai tea per 2 cups.. I just emptied the chai into the filter and it also tastes great.. in my opinion [=

3 months ago
3 tablespoons of coffee**

3 months ago
I'm not young, im just having a party at an un-godly hour.. And im already addicted [=

yes when you have to much coffee or sugar you get a high its not to dangerous like drugs i rember last year i was so depresed i got cafeine and sugar highs all the time to make me feel better but in the end i'd crash and feel even worse so yes you can get high

I hope so.

i have no idea but teach me how you made that please :0)

Yes, it's the caffeine. Yes, you may get more messed up, but it's risky to your heart.

you get wired fool! not hight! your funny and must be young!

Yes, because caffeine is an addicting drug just like niccotine. If you get addicted to coffee, it's really really hard to cut down because of the caffeine. It's exactly like niccotine.

ITS THE CAFFEINE... serious complications if taken in excess... heart and blood pressure can rise
find a friend and smoke a joint..instead...................

Alas, I'm afraid the coffee concoction has nothing to do with the buzz. In fact, if you were to look in a mirror right now, you would find that a pair of compound eyes would be looking back at you. You sir, are an insect. That is the reason for the buzz.


Considering your previous experiences with this substance, I would wholeheartedly suggest that you lay off the coffee. Just so you know, caffeine, which is located in coffee, is a stimulant.

any substance taken to excess can get you high.

It's your bodies way of telling you, "You're killing me, you idiot."


bake and shake is a nice high too

Caffeine is a drug. It's just legal. It's still a drug and depending on if you are bipolar or adhd or like 60% of America (normal?) if could wire you, slow you down and make you sleep or just wake you up. I am adhd, so when I drink coffee, I want to go back to bed, so I make mine decaf and add sugar. This gives me the same affect as other people who enjoy coffee in the morning to wake them up.

Your nerves are on overload, you might want to consider drinking water to dilute the caffeine so you don't start getting angry. Another side effect.

Yes. Although it depends on your definition of high. Caffeine is by definition a drug, a stimulant, that does work psychoactively. Obviously, a majority of the people who read this have experienced the psychoactive effects of caffeine used in moderate doses (feeling awake, alert, jumpy), but these same people do not truly acknowledge that it is actually a drug that is making them feel this way. When taken at higher doses (probably more than 400mg for an average male) caffeine can produce a pronounced "buzz" complete with jumbled thought processes and a feeling of slight intoxication. However, large doses also up the chance for health problems, and once you reach the 1500mg mark (approx. 15 cups of coffee) you are risking severe heart problems.

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