Does Anybody Remember SURGE?!


Does Anybody Remember SURGE?

Would someone screaming "SUUUUURRRRRGGGEE!!!" or "FEED THE RUSH!!!" ring a bell for you? If so, you probably remember Surge, the so called "fully loaded" soda that you might say defined a generation. Most parents will argue Surge had way too much caffeine and kids shouldn't have been drinking so much of it. It had a reputation for being full of caffeine, and perhaps that is why it was thrown out. Truth be told, drinks like Mountain Dew have more caffeine than Surge ever did. Surge's sister soda, Mello Yello, has the same amount of caffeine Surge did. In every twelve ounce can of Mountian Dew there is 55 mg of caffeine. Surge only had 50 mg per can. There is not that much of a difference, but everyone thought Surge was some kind of monster soda that should be taken as "dangerous" to drink. It was all in the advertising Coke used to promote Surge. In the comercials a man would scream "SUUUURRRRRRRGGE!!!" at the top of his lungs and young men would race around obstacles to win the coveted Surge as their prize. Surge was made out to be a high energy citrus beverage with "carbos." The truth is that Surge wasn't the soda everyone made it out to be. It was a very unique beverage with that "bite" everyone seemed to love.

So what happened to Surge? Surge has been missing from store shelves for at least three to four years. People want to know what happened to their soda, and their questions remain unanswered. Surge is not available in bottles or cans anywhere anymore. I have many friends across the country to confirm this. After contacting Coca-Cola via email and phone, they told us that "Surge has not been discontinued." If that's true, how can you explain Surge's complete disappearance across the nation? Some desperate fans stashed away as much as possible when they heard of Coke's plans to stop production, and little by little their stashes diminished. After Surge disappearing nationwide, fans are left with little explanation as to why Coke made their decision. Surge still has a extremely loyal fanbase today, and there is certainly a market for it. Bids on 12 packs have gone over $100 on Ebay, and Soda Favorites (a website that sells rare and discontinued sodas) sells them for $140. You might think that sounds crazy, but it just goes to show how much people crave it.

Fans have been gathering to help bring it back at We believe Coke is at a decisive point in their deliberations to return Surge . One of our good friends has started an online petition to show Coke that we want it back. The petition has already received more than 5,500 signatures. This is an impressive number, but it will take more people to influence Coke. More and more people are joining us at SaveSurge everyday. There are a lot of fans out there, but the problem is in reaching them. We've solved most of that problem by designing flyers for anyone to download and make copies of. There are also banners for those with their own websites.

The same thing happened with Tab; one of Coke's older sodas. So many people wanted Tab brought back that Coke not only resumed its production, but promised to keep Tab in their inventory permanently! The same can happen with Surge, if only there are enough people. Simply signing the petition will help more than you may realize. You can visit us at To contact Coke and ask about Surge, call 1-800-GET-COKE.

This is ALL I know. I don't remember actually.
Expired cans and bottles of Surge now sell on eBay for high dollar amounts.

Is trying to survive:

Yes! Where did it go?!?! was like green soda or something.

Do you remember JOLT?

Yeah. Love it.
Whatever happened to it?

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