How do you..?!


How do you..?

loose weightt??
wut r some diet tips??

Cut out soda if you drink it. They say if you drink a soda a day you will gain 15 pounds a year. Replace it with water. Drink lots of water. Go walking/jogging/running as often as you can, at least 30 minutes a day. Make a journal of everything you eat everyday. Weed out the junk food.Just try to stay active.

I also found this on the net:

1. Lose weight slowly (1 or 2 lbs per week). Any more than this can cause you to have a "haggard" look when you have reached your ideal weight (Because of the elastic nature of your skin). Losing too much too quickly can also cause you serious health problems.

2. Consistency. Your weight and general health will reflect what you do and eat most of the time.

3. Exercise burns fat quickly and gives you energy. There seem to be many different opinions about whether you need to exercise to lose weight or just change your diet. I believe you need to do both for many reasons and the main two for me are: Number one, it makes you feel great! and number two, it allows to cheat more than you would be able to if you didn't exercise (think chocolate covered energy bars!)

4. Muscle building. I don't mean body building. Your muscles use energy all day so the bigger they are the more energy they need and the less energy gets stored as fat. Just doing small amounts of weight training can make a big difference (especially for women).

5. Metabolic rate. Raising your metabolic rate will use energy which either burns fat or stops fat being stored. Exercise will raise you metabolic rate and so will spicy foods. For instance, I have found adding mustard to food helps me.

6. Planning. Plan what you are going to eat at least a week in advance. This makes sure you stick to the diet and don't accidentally eat the wrong thing. If you find it difficult to plan or just don't have the time try using an online service. You can find more information about these services from my website:

7. Eat regularly and often. Always have breakfast, lunch and dinner - every day. If possible eat 5 times a day, a small snack between breakfast and lunch and another one between lunch and dinner. Each time you eat you raise your metabolic rate - see number 5.

8. Some food should not be mixed. Mix meat and/or diary products (such as cheese) with vegetables and never with rice or pasta or potatoes. For example, at parties if you see a buffet only eat the meat and cheese and vegetables or only eat the pasta and rice. Mixing the wrong foods is worse that eating too much.

9. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated all day helps your general fitness and health which is particularly important when exercising regularly and burning fat.

10. Listen to your body. Your body will let you know how it is doing and what it needs. For example, your stomach produces the same chemicals as your brain when reacting to things. The only difference between the two is that your stomach has not learned to doubt itself!

a calorie controlled diet, visit tonyferguson dot com

i think i'm gonna write a book about this ! lol we'll see. but since dec. 30 (for new years resolution) i've ONLY had one serving each meal!! and i'm losing weight! i never lose weight. unless i'm pregnant and i lose weight because of the nausea. but other than that i've never dieted. and this is amazing. i didnt change anything about what i eat, just how much. i use to eat my kids left overs, or go back for 2nd or 3rds. now i just have my plate and then go away from the table. today i made chalupas. i had my serving (2 tostados) and that was it. now you have to watch portions. meaning to me a serving is two tostados. that is a normal serving. but where i'd go beserk is i would have had atleast 5 back in the day !! so just being fair to myself and being practical about what i want to eat in one serving then i'm able to make a huge change. so any cut backs will work. i'm told people can lose weight just by drinking diet sodas and giving up reg. soda. good luck! oo did i mention it's working!! yeaa!

eat less, or the junk food
more darker green foods
run alot
and drink iced tea
that is what helped me

I think that you should first talk to your doctor about safely loosing weight. If you loose too much too fast that is not good for you.The key is to take the pounds off safely.But eating healthy is a good start.Cutting down on sweets is a good one.Water and diet soda in stead of shakes.Healthy snacks.Your doctor would be the best one to guide you to a successful eating plan to loose weight.Best of luck to you.

Get Richard Simmons' Better Body Book and follow the instructions.

cut down on your calories and exercise

don't ask Rosie o Donald

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