Is it better for someone to drink diet soda or regular soda?!


Is it better for someone to drink diet soda or regular soda?

Actually, regular soda is better, but not by much, here's why..

Saccarine, Aspartame, and Sucratose (artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas and even Sweet n Low) have been found to cause bladder cancer in lab rats and have also been linked to brain cancer.

I personally stay away from anything that contains any of those as ingredients, I'd much rather just take in real sugar than run the risk of bladder cancer.

Carbonation, on the other hand, is VERY bad for your bones and your teeth, it depletes your body of calcium and can be linked to Osteoporosis.

Soda, in general, is bad for you.. regular soda is just the lesser of two evils.


i drink pop that has splenda in it and has zero calories...

diet soda

regular because this does not have a substance that diet coke does that can cause cancer.

I just heard today that diet sodas are worse.

It depends on what your concern is. Regular soda is full of sugar and empty calories, so it will put weight on you quickly. Diet soda is full of chemicals, so that's unhealthy too. The best thing to drink is water.

why don't you read the back of the can! you ever thought about that?

Regular has less chemicals. Neither is better.

it is better to not drink soda at all. if you must then diet soda would be the best because regular has so many carbs and sugars,diet has non.

Both are horrible for you. Carbonation is carbon dioxide. Not good for the body ever.

Regular has sugar, which is not good. Diet has sweetener which is also not good.

Lesser of two evils: I'd drink regular maybe twice a year with a burger when I have an extreme craving. In moderation, maybe two a week, either should be okay.

if you don't want to gain weight diet soda

It depends on what you want (or you don't want) to get...
If it is only about not getting weight/sugar, then drink diet soda.
If you don't want to get stuffed with chemical stuff (fake sugar) that may increase your risk of cancer, stay away of diet soda.
If you are really concerned about your health, forget sodas and drink water or natural fruit juices instead.

out of the 2 choices, diet. But u should drink water. 8-8oz glasses.

well, why are you concerned? some people drink diet soda because of less calories others may think it has less sugar... I'm not sure of the advantages but soda overall is not healthy. soda has high fructose sugar in it which is a liquid syrup form of sugar... not good. this could cause you to gain weight and the carbonation from soda will cause bloating and gas. instead of soda try iced tea or better yet water.

The worst part of any soda is that they are very acidic and rot your teeth faster than any candy will.

neither one is good for you they are both full of sugar and can make you gain weight

Regular, diet has all the extra chemical stuff. Less calories but less healthy
I enjoy the regulars when I can

Regular soda.
Of course you've heard over and over again about how diet soda containing Aspartame can lead to cancer, but a friend of mine, about a month ago told me something interesting.
His dentist who happens to be his best friend, did an experiemtn with several other people ( no clue who they were or what their occupation is).

In their studies, they found that at room temperature, Aspartame starts to develope traces of formaldehyde.

Well if you put two and two together...

Your body is obviously at room temperature and even though you don't usually consume beverages or foods at room temperature... they will eventually become room temperature while going through your body.

If you just think about it... it scares you. I've drank diet soda most of my life and to think i could possibly have formaldehyde build up from drinking that crap for at least 12 years scares me. It makes me wonder what the future holds.

The way i see it.. pop shudn't be consumed either way. It's un-natural and completely unhealthy. But if I was to choose the better, I'd say go with the regular soda vs the diet. Yah you might gain weight from it, but at least you know you have a natural sugar going through your body. Weight gain can be reversed.. maybe Aspartame effects cant?

Your best bet would be neither, because neither diet nor regular are outstandingly healthy choices.

If you hardly drink soda i would say regular is better . But you should really be drinking juice and water .

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