Best and worst brands of diet cola.?!


Best and worst brands of diet cola.?

I know of two really great little brands of diet cola: Clover Valley (sold by Dollar General stores) and Rocky Top.

The yuckiest brand I know of is called "Super Chill." Man that stuff tastes nasty.

I was always a Diet Pepsi drinker. I live in Alaska and we did not have any discount type stores when I was growing up. Neither of the grocery store chains carried any generic brands either. Finally we hit big time and got some discount stores and then the grocery stores started carrying some generic brands. I like Safeway Select diet cola. It is less than half the price of Pepsi, plus they often put it on sale. The brands you have named, we do not have where I live.

I have a friend who has her own theory about the generic brands. She can drink any brand of generic cola as long as she sticks to one brand. However if she switches brand she does not like it until she gets "used" to it.

Interesting question.

Diet coca-cola is best. Worst is cheap supermarket brands i.e Tesco - tastes like c**p!

I just can not stand the taste of cherry vanilla colas or cream sodas...yuk!

Tab is the all time worst tasting diet cola.

CHERRY VANILLA COLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can think of a couple worse taste diet cola's:
One is diet cola vanilla by coke
the other is no name pc diet cola
Both of them taste to flat and diet cola vanilla is just groose.
I like diet pepsi beause it is just good they don't have anything added to the taste.

actually i can't stand any diet colas, they all taste bad

I buy the Walmart brand. It has more cola flavor, and the price is good.

I say all of them! But, I used to drink "Diet Pepsi" and all of a sudden one day, I started to seeing these like rays of light in my head, at night when everything was dark, and even in the day times... It was the strangest thing, so I began trying to "Narrow" down all of the things I consumed each day to try to sort of be my own doctor, (since I didn't have time to go too the doctor in those days, right).. And I figured, "okay, I'm a "Vegetarian" so its not my vegeez! I do drink quite a lot of "Diet Pepsi, but that can't be it, and then one day... I was sitting on my couch on my lunch break, (since I just lived down the street from my job) I had time to rest a few minutes, right.. So, I'm just casually looking around my apartment as I eat my vegeez, and began reading the can of diet pepsi I had in my hand.. well, when I read those "Bright Red Letters" saying this can contained: (I'm not sure of the spelling, so bare with me here, okay) Phenalanomine was in it, and it said underneath the red word, that it causes cancer in Lab Rats!! I liked to "Jump Out Of My Skin!!! I got so "Scared & Paranoid" that I had somehow damaged my brain, through these soda's I'd been consuming every single day, sometimes twice a day!!! And that being the reason for seeing those "Ray's of Light!!!" I panicked, and told my girlfriend when I went back to work, (she drank them too), and her answer was "Oh, who cares, everything's going to kill us eventually , soda's the last of my worries!!" So, I dropped it, and also dropped drinking those diet soda's!!! They all have some sort of something er' rether in them that is definately bad for all of us, trust me on this one!! My oldest daughter & I dont drink anything that has diet anything in it!!!! We even eat real butter, forget the watery margerine!! Same with milk, (I hardly drink it at all, but I only buy real whole milk for my kids!) And everything has to be REAL, or I wont touch it, period!! Nor will my daughter!! And neither of us have weight problems, in fact my daughter used to be a "Exotic Dancer" eating Real foods, so imagine her having a "Great Figure" on Real Foods , without the diet Crap!!! It's just how much you consume in your diet's that matter!! And you can go without diet foods, if you discipline yourself, to eat like 6-8 small meals a day! How do you think "Dolly Pardon" lost all that weight many years ago, and kept it off? From having small meals , many times a day!! Like, a handful of vegeez, a baked potatoe, with salsa on it, (no butter), and some whole wheat bread, but only a 1/2 slice, then later have a couple tblspns of cottage cheese......and later a can of smoked oysters, with a handful of cheese-its, and later, a healthy yogurt with some berries in it.. then another small meal, and peice of chicken baked, with honey on it, and some vegeez and pasta side.. There's so many way's to lose weight without eating or drinking all of these diet foods on the market, you know.. Plus your body will thank-you for it, and you willl soon be "Reaping all of the Benefit's" for being good to your body!!! Smile!!! Great Question, hun!!!

I developed a love for diet 7-UP, but haven't had any lately, and now I see they have changed it, so, I don't know if I want to stay with it.
On the flip side, I had TAB and diet Faygo when I was younger and they are the worst.

I love Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper. I don't like most generic brands.

there all nasty

U can buy this little cans of coke which have a 100 calories and 26g of sugar that it they still taste like a regular coke

You mean the best and the worst chemical taste...?
I won't consume none of them.

Cherry or vanilla diet cola= pure nastiness
Also, diet root beer is disgusting

I like diet Pepsi

Dt Mountain Dew is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I got diabetes in the early 80s (even before there was such a thing as Diet Coke!) and I remember the only diet soda out there was Tab. That stuff was so bad it had to be toxic! As far as the best diet cola now, I like the new Diet Pepsi Jazz (Strawberrries and Cream flavor, not the other one). But you can't go wrong with the classics like Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke either.

Any diet soda is gross.

To be honest to you all kinds of cola is a posion and nasty hope some day you can see it that way before you burn your throat.

I think that i like the drink plan but it's all good because I like Pepsi and Mountain dew soooo... yeah!!! LOL

Diet Shasta chez yuck!

Best to Worst:
1. diet coke
2. diet sprite zero
3. diet pepsi
4. diet sams cola
5. diet rite
those are my favorite drinks that I but often.

If I drink a diet cola it has to be Dr. Pepper and the same goes for regular cola. I really like Dr. Pepper.

Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is the best TAB is definitely the worst

try the diet drinks without aspertame like diet rite and diet cheerwine and diet seven up

TAB is def. the worst ever!!

I've been a total Diet Pepsi fan all my life. 6 mos. ago, the doctor told me that I should refrain from aspartame, which is in most diet drinks.

My now favorite is Diet Rite Zero Cola. No aspartame, but also no caffiene. (got to get that from iced tea now!!)

The worst - Diet Cherry Coke Ugh !!!

I think that the normal cola and diet cola is the best and I totaaly hate the Cherry Coke and the ones with cream it is so nasty. Also I don't really like Coke zero cause they use Splenda.Uhhh.

Waist Watchers make awesome diet pepsi is always a favorite, they just came out with a diet carmel cream which is yummy!

Diet Rite is nasty!

Best- Coke Zero
Worst- America's Choice (sold @ Walmart)

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