Is coca cola unhealthy for you, and if it is what exactly makes it so?!


Is coca cola unhealthy for you, and if it is what exactly makes it so?

I had one can can yesterday and my girlfriend has been complaining ever since about it. I personally don't know if it is and what exactly makes it so unhealthy, anyone around know what makes it so bad for me that I've had to recieve a lecture from my girlfriend about a hundred times?

P.S She actually doesn't know either but it's not stopping her from freaking out about it.

Did you know that they use coke to clean blood stains off the highways? Also for someone who works in the oil field when cleaning greasers did you know you can put a can of coke in the washing machine and it will work better than laundry soap. Oh and did you know that if you put a penny in a glass of coke it will EAT IT?!?!?! If these don't show it's bad for you i don't know what will. It deteriorates your insides and eats a hole in your body. Now 1 can every now and then won't do it but eventually the effects will happen. Also turn your can over and look at the sugar content. Now I'm not sure how many grams are in it, but divide the number of grams of sugar in 1 can of coke by 4. For instance 40 grams of sugar divided by 4 equals 10. . . that means there are 10 teaspoons of sugar in 1 can of coke. Now go to the kitchen and put 10 teaspoons of sugar in a bowl and eat it. What? No . . . why? Ohhh that's because it's gross. See . . . you wouldn't just straight up eat it but you'll drink it because it tastes like coke . . . same thing just in a liquid form. Coke is one of the worst things you can put in your body.

Sugar. Rots your teeth away

Too much caffeine. It's not good for you.

caffeine and sugar are the main parts of it that are bad for you, plus some people are sensitive to the various additives/colourings etc.

Well one can isn't the end of the world tell her to chill out, it's not really good for you. It's loaded with sugar and empty calories plus it will rot your teeth. But I drink it (only diet though) in moderation I don't think it's terrible.

Here's a little test you can perform and then make an informed decision based on your findings.
Take your bottle of coke and pour some on your cars battery terminals, then stand back and watch! Ask yourself, does this do the same in my stomach?
From there, you'll have an informed consumers decision!

More then ANYTHING the amount of sugar. Its unreal.

c link below.
read 4 urself
the damage cola can do.
another brand that should b sold with a health-warning on the side.

the ingredinets we know of that are bad for you in coke are sugar, caffine,, and acid. Not sure why she is freekin over 1 can. that will not kill you. As for the statement drink diet. guess what diet is much worse for you as we know sugar is natural, what they put in it to call it diet is not. since we know soy is a cancer causing agent and the goverment wants us to think it is healthy we know how much we can trust the fda. But I have a better one if your girlfriend is taking birthcontrol pills she has a much better chance of you do then if you drank 10 cokes a day!!!!! I personaly think she better find better battles to fight or she will loose you.

No, not with a balanced diet. Coca cola is tastefully pleasing and invigorates the senses. Nothing should be overdone.

I dont know how coca cola is made but there are two facts I can tell you. Drinking from a bottle is safer than drinking from a can where as you could get tin poisoning. Whether from a bottle or can..ALWAYS keep it in the fridge. One hot summers day I went in store and bought a can of coke from off the shelf...I took a swig and spit it strtaight out tasted just like strong vinegar and that's very unhealthy.

It has lots of chemicals and sugar in it which is obviously not exactly good for you. Diet colas also have artifical sweetners which have been linked with cancer.

I don't think having a coke once in a while is going to kill you. As long as you don't have them all the time.

far too much sugar and caramel and caffeine. and teh diet verson has artificail sweeteners in them which is soooooooo bad

when i was in primary school, the school dentist came to show us what fizzy drink does to your teeth. she made someone hand over a baby tooth and popped it in a petri dish of regular coca cola.
next morning it had dissolved the tooth with the level of sugar.

start drinking coke zero mate

there is roughly 8 to ten tablespoons of sugar in each can of coke plus all the caffeine in it so yes i agree with your girlfriend it is bad for you but then it is nice .

ALL the sugar is what is bad for you.

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