Should i drink tea at this time of night?!


Should i drink tea at this time of night?

Or will it keep me awake?

Have a cup of tea- just don't make it too strong! It might make you feel better so you'll feel more like sleeping.

oh just have some, its caffeen not cocaine

Not if it is herbal tea. Green tea has a little caffeine in it but not as much as black tea. If you are sensitive to caffeine (where it keeps you awake for days on end after having 1 cup of coffee) I would avoid anything but herbal.

tea better than coffee,i drink coffee and that doesnt keep me awake any more than usual.

Depends what kind of tea! I try not to drink normal tea an hour before bedtime as it makes it difficult for me to sleep, but anytime before that and Im ok! It depends on how tired you are as well. I will drink green tea at anytime as it has half the caffiene than normal tea (but does'nt taste as good!)

If your a tea drinker and you want some at night, you should look into kombucha tea it is so good for you and healthy, and it wont keep you awake at night, as for regular tea a mug wont hurt unless you are sensitive to cafene, then to be safe drink decafe

i never drink tea after 5 o clock, you'll be wide awake for hours if you're like me

No, it will keep you awake. You should stop drinking anything with caffeine in it at least four hours before you intend to go to bed.

tea, has caffeine in it so No i wouldn't drink it.
it might keep you awake..

i have trouble sleeping and i can't sleep at all without cups of tea ( half filled with milk!).

Go for it! I have a HUGE mug of tea most nights before i go to bed and its fine. Tea is good for your teeth because it contains fluouride and is healthy (antioxidants) + calcium in the milk. DO not take sugar though or you will either not get to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night totally hyper!

I am addicted to Tea and not the decaf kind and certainly NOT the herbal kind and I never have problems sleeping. In fact I am so addicted I will get cranky and even get head aches if I do not have it..Must be Ice Tea w sweet n low though. Guess I could be addicted to worse! Infact the only things I drink are Water and Tea no soda, no coffee, no alcohol, no fruit juice..Tea and water thats it usually more water then tea though I need my caffine fix

Nah have an espresso

The best tea for at night is Sleepy time tea.

Try Rooibus tea- it is caffeine free and quite tasty. It is South African and means "red bush". I also heard that if you soak your tea bag for 30-60 seconds, and then throw it out and start over withthe same tea bag, that gets rid of the caffeine. This theory believes that the caffeine soaks out first (so you pitch it) then after a minute of soaking the flavor and other good elements soak out of the bag. its worth a shot

try chamomile tea if you are worried

I do doesn't really affect me.

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