Can't live without tea?!


Can't live without tea?

Maybe i'm the only person in this world..who can't live a day without tea....normal tea. If i don't have tea for one day i get an headache, but if i do have tea it soon dissappears. I'm addicted.

I can't live without tea either. I also get a headache if I don't have tea. I guess we are addicted to tea. :-) I love tea and I can't help it.

one or two cup of tea is not harmful for Indian weather especially docs says... so don't worry no harm is done ... in case u take strong tea start taking light if u feel ur addicted

I have gotten hooked on Arizona or Lipton's diet green tea. It must not have much caffeine in it because I can drink it at night and still sleep well. You already know you are addicted to caffeine. Try cutting down. Drink half the usual amount with caffeine and the other half without. You can buy it that way. Hopefully you won't get headaches that way. I used to work with a gal who was hooked on regular cokes. She reported for work every day with an enormous container of take-out coke. Unfortunately, I am hooked on food.

According to present report taking tea is not harmful rather benificial for health and mind. But I do not think that a person becomes addicted to any thing. For a few days you may have some feeling but you will observe it will vanish.

I started smoking when I was 10 years old and one day when I was 60 stopped without any body's pressure. I thought of leaving and Ileft. It depends on your own will power.

I cant wake up until Ive had a cup of tea, I would say your addicted too but dont worry I think most people are.

hehe i won't say i cant live without tea but i do drink a cup of white tea every morning!

The only thing in tea you can be addicted to is the caffeine. It's called a caffeine headache. And is actually concidered a drug addiction if you can't go without it. This is because it is a central stimulant which means it stimulates the brain. Someone like you has what's called ~caffeinism~ This is a true thing and when you feed your addiction its really no different than giveing a herion addict methadone. ok so it's not as extreme but roughly around the same thing. You have already noticed the headaches, but there also is stomach irritation, sleeping disorders, palpitations of the heart (changing heart rate) and a lot moore. Now one cup of tea isn't going to affect you. However a regular size cup of tea contains about 55 mg. of caffeine, a normal dose of caffeine is 250 mg. per day. You have to take into consideration any pop or energy drink you have throughout the day. Did you know that caffeine can actually be toxic if too much is put into your system? Also, did you know that should you put too much into your body it is actually possible to fail a drug test? If you were to drink 3 to-go mugs full of tea in a day, this would put you at about 750 mg. of caffeine in your system and that would fail a drug test.
My suggestion is to start using decaffinated tea, eventually your body will get used to it, and you don't have to stop drinking it. Your still giving yourself a treat, and your body isn't getting abused.

If you're getting headaches after not drinking tea, you're addicted to the caffeine. That's why your headache disappears after you drink the tea. Don't sweat it, tea is good for you. And caffeine is under-rated in my opinion!

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