Is Coca-cola good for you???!


Is Coca-cola good for you???

i drink it for brekky (to wake me up, i do shift work), lunch and dinner, will i have side affects when i'm older?

I'm the same way as you, i drink pepsi for breakfast at 9 in the morning lunch dinner and a few times in between. It's really not good for you though even though it tastes delicious.... i heard if u were to put the amount of real sugar in the actual 20 oz botal it would overflow with sugar!! It sounds gross but i know its hard to stop!
Well i actually tried to stop drinking pop so much and i had these really bad headaches and the doc told me it was bci was addicted to the caffeine and u can have withdrawal symptoms from not getting the reg amount in ur body...its crazy lol

its not bad... but its also not good.

it just gives you a boost of energy

and it has a lot of sugar...

so if ur drinking it that often make sure you brush your teeth...

and make sure that is not the only drink you drink...


no liquid drink can replace water!!

Hope I helped!!


yeah your kidneys are going to be shot to hell and you are going to have to wear depends because you are not going to be able to hold your water you are going to be a very pessy person when you get older.

The greatest side-effect will probably be love handles. Sodas in general are not healthy. Try switching to iced tea if you need something cold in the morning. There is now a green tea drink on the market that would be much better for you, and I'm pretty sure green tea also has some caffeine (though maybe not as much as Coke) to give you a morning boost.

no it has a ton of sugar.but it sure does taste good!

I would say no, it's not good for you. Think of your sugar level when you drink a can of it. I wouldn't even recommend the diet coke but I think it's a bit better than the normal one. Anyway, anything that you eat and drink if done in moderation is okay.

NO, it is bad. Drink Dr. Pepper if you want something good.

You probably have side effects now.... But the worst thing about Coke is the sugar. Too much sugar will lead to things like diabetes and/or obesity. If you really need to have the caffeine, coffee is a better option. Tea is even better. Even water can be a wake-me-up in the morning. It's not healthy to drink soda, let alone 3 times a day- if you are concerned, as you should be, try to replace it with healthier options....

That much of any pop every day is not good for you. If you insist on drinking pop for breakfast lunch and dinner at least drink the sugar free kind. It's still not good for you to drink that much but you can get some with caffeine and no sugar.

The Benefits of Caffeine

Caffeine can improve memory, decrease fatigue, improve your mental functioning, study after study suggests.

It can improve your short-term memory and speed up your reaction times, according to a study presented in 2005 at the Radiological Society of North America.

Moderate coffee consumption -- defined as three or four cups a day, providing 300 or 400 milligrams of caffeine -- carries "little evidence of health risks and some evidence of health benefits," conclude researchers from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvalis, writing in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition in March 2006.

Coffee drinking, the researchers say, may help prevent type 2 diabetesdiabetes, Parkinson's diseaseParkinson's disease, and liver disease, including liver cancerliver cancer. And it doesn't appear to significantly increase heart diseaseheart disease risk or cancercancer. But, they warn, those with high blood pressurehigh blood pressure, as well as children, teens, and the elderly, may be more vulnerable to caffeine's adverse effects.

The Downsides of Caffeine

Caffeine does boost blood pressure, Lane and others have found. Although the rise is temporary, Lane questions whether it's good for you when it occurs over and over. After much research, he has concluded that repeated elevations in blood pressure and increases in your reactions to daily stress that occur with caffeine intake could boost the risk of heart disease. He worries, too, about the boost in blood glucose levels that accompanies caffeine intake.

Daily soft drink consumption may lower bone mineral density in women but not men, researchers from Tufts University reported in the October 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

It is really bad for you actually. You will have side effects NOW not when you're older. You will gain weight from drinking it all the time. You will get more tired because your body gets its high from sugar and caffeine. Then it will crash and feel more tired then before. It also is bad for your teeth-causes cavities.

Yes Coke is bad for you because it has lots of chemials in it and its not really good for you. WOuld you cosider having chemicals for lunch. I don't think so. But if you have coke once a week is fine to have coke its safe. ITs gonna effect you in your later life with diabetes and other problems. Good Question.

Bad, bad, bad,


Dont drink it so often. Your teeth will fall out.

All soda is bad for you.
Filled with high fructose corn syrup (chemically altered, sick lookign stuff) and the bubbly stuff?
Messes up your stomach lining.
I'd drink water if I was you :\

Not even in moderation, and its also bad for skin.

coke is not sweet that's what makes it bad the sugar will later cause diabetes and rot your teeth I suggest only drink it once a day.

try cleaning your jewellery with it,see how it shines....hmm now wonder what it is doing to your insides if it's strong enough to clean jewellery dont think i would be drinking it...

Pour a can of coke over a raw pork chop and watch it

No, it can give you kidney stones, but it sure as hell beats Pepsi in taste and carbonation!

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