How to speak correctly when going to Starbucks?!


How to speak correctly when going to Starbucks?

How do I order a drink at Starbucks? I went on their website to see how to order a drink. This is what I came up with:

1/2 Decaf Iced Tall 2Shot Peppermint Soy Wet Room CafeLatte

Does this even make sence? If I say this when I am ordering will people understand me or will I look like an idiot?

It kind of makes sense. A wet latte usually translates to no foam, which rarely applies to iced drinks unless you love bacteria (and let me tell you, I get at least 2 orders for iced cappuccinos WITH foam per day). Not sure why you want room in something that is 95% milk. You can also omit "cafe" it's just a formality.

"Half-caff iced double tall peppermint soy latte"
"Half-caff iced double tall peppermint soy easy ice latte"
"Half-caff iced double tall peppermint soy easy ice roomy latte"

I was always trained to say the shot amount before the size (eg "double tall" "solo grande" "triple venti"). If that policy has changed, I don't understand it. It's much easier hearing it in that order for me.

Starbucks supervisor.

You don't have to order in "their" language. If you just tell them what you want they will write it down in secret code. Its just a drink not a complicated test

Medium coffee, cream, 1 sugar. It's so much easier at Dunkin' Donuts.

Each of these terms are used in ordering, i.e.

1/2 Decaf = 1/2 reg and 1/2 decaf
Iced = with ice
Tall = not short
2Shot = 2 shots of espresso
Peppermint = flavor (i.e. irish cream, etc)
Soy = as opposed to milk
Wet Room = ? Your guess is as good as mine!
Cafe = no cream
Latte = with cream or milk

At least this is what I've been told but then what do I now I don't go to Starbucks often.

The "proper" way to order a drink at Starbucks is to order in this order:

half caf/decaf
# of shots
size of the drink
type of milk
drink name

Not all of these are used for every drink obviously, but this is the order they go in. An example would be an iced half caf quad venti raspberry organic no whip white mocha. Hope this helps you.

its not that big of a deal. (to get technical you should say "double" instead of 2 shot in your drink, and you can't have an iced latte "wet" you should say light ice, and no one really says "cafe latte" just latte....) if your order is that complicated then its ok to ask us to make sure you say it right and we make it right. we want customers to like what they get! so dont stress about it...realistically if you came in saying your drink like you were reading it from a script we would probably laugh after you left. :)

oh, and winedutchess has a few things wrong on her list. tall doesn't mean not short. its just the 12 oz size. wet and room are different things. cafe doesn't mean no cream, its just a prefix, same as cafe mocha. anyway...

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