Coca cola classic, Is there any difference,than coca cola?!


Coca cola classic, Is there any difference,than coca cola?

coca cola classic in the small glass bottles,verses coca cola in the plastic or can containers, as far as how its made,, Is it really the old classic formula?/

To answer this properly, we need to go back in time; back to the days when Ghostbusters was still in theatres. Yes, we're talking ancient history here.

Involved in competition for market-share with Pepsi, Coca-Cola decided to abandon its tried and true formula for a new recipe; the proverbial 'New Coke'. Coca-Cola was sure that with an exciting new recipe, a hard-hitting ad campaign, and a great new taste, the new Coca-Cola would be the smashing success that would win them the battle against Pepsi. There was only one problem:

Nobody liked it.

After a few months, the public disdain for the new recipe became obvious - not only had sales not soared to the Icarus like heights the Coke team had hoped for, they had plumeted to wing-meltingly low depths. But even this was no match for the Coca-Cola brain trust in Atlanta. Rather than admit defeat and slink back to the tried and true recipe, they had a better idea:

The would bravely and proudly go back to the old recipe.

The quickly redubbed the new recipe 'New Coke', and brought back the old one. But how to tell the public what they had done? Not just 'Coca-Cola' anymore, but 'Coca-Cola Classic'; for that flavour that hearkened back six months to days gone by.

Eventually, over the course of a few short years, New Coke faded completely from the scene, and Coca-Cola Classic became Coke's premier brand. Nowadays, any Coke that isn't labeled otherwise (Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Coca-Cola Lime, etc...) is Coke Classic.

So to answer your question simply, yes, it is the old classic formula. But unless you only drank Coke during a brief period in the 80s, it is the same (or roughly so) formula that you've always been used to. The stuff in the cans and plastic containers is the same stuff as in the small glass bottles.

My Childhood.

I bet it's the same thing. It seems to be just a marketing strategy.

No. The original formula used real sugar, they stopped using that even before they came out with new Coke. The only difference with the different containers is the amount of CO2 they put in.

I've heard that it was a recipe that uses cocoa plants which also produces cocaine. It really was a rave back then but time has change and by law they had to take the one of the main ingredients out which is the cocoa leave. However, I don't think there is any difference at all when it comes to having glass, tin can or plastic containers. It all taste the same but there is a major difference when it comes to diet, zero calorie stuff....that's just downright nasty in my opinion. However, I got to admit that coke is still addictive and I wonder if it's psychological or physically? It's probably psychological since I'm always craving for my coke.

Funny story, here it is:

Coca-Cola was the number one soft drink in america around 30 years ago. However, Pepsi Cola was gaining marketshare, slowly but surely. The execs at Coke starting getting paranoid, thinking that Pepsi was going to ruin them. So they go rid of their successful formula for one that was much sweeter than the original, more like Pepsi. Within hours of the announcement, hundreds of people were buying cases and cases of the old Coke, and it soon became clear that New Coke was perhaps THE DUMBEST IDEA in all of corporate history. Anyways, a couple of months later, the company started producing Coca-Cola Classic, the return of good old Coke. Any Coke you see today will say Classic under it because of this disaster they caused in the 70s.

Coca Cola doesn't taste like it use to when it was in the glass bottles. The change form cane sugar to fructose seems to have changed the taste as well.

Coca Cola that is produced in Mexico across from where I live still use cane sugar and drink is much tastier. They still use glass bottles as well.

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